•shut up•||dayrl Dixon||

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-Takes place in the common wealth-

Y/f/b - your favorite book

Dayrl walks into your apartment
Holding his helmet from his solder uniform

"You could knock first" you giggle from the couch where you were reading y/f/b you shut it and throw it to the side quickly

"Shut up" dayrl grunts and pulls you off of the couch by your wrist and placing his lips on yours eagerly moveing his lips in sync with yours

He places his hands on your hips tighting his grasp as the kiss deepens
He grunts into the kiss turning you both around and sitting on the couch makeing you straddle his lap

"Someone miss me?" You giggle as you pull away from the kiss
"I said shut up" dayrl grins and helps you pull your t-shirt over your head swiftly

He connects your lips with his again reaching his hands around your back unclasping your bra

Your breasts bounce out of your bra leaving them on display for Daryl's pleasure "God look at you" dayrl basically smothers himself in your chest

He wraps his lips around one of your nipples his hand toying with the other
You throw your head back and gasp as Dayrl uses your sensitive buds

"Fuck dayrl" you moan and you can feel him grin

He pulls away and takes off the white wife beater He allways wears home from work you run your hands up his toned body taking your bottom lip in-between your teeth and grining as Dayrl admires you

He stands up this time lifting you with him he grips your waist so you don't fall "DAYRL!" You giggle

He walks into your bedroom which was fairly bland other than a few band posters here and there, he throws you on the bed climbing ontop of you pinning your hands above you on either side of your head

He lets your hands go and lowers himself to unbutton your shorts he pulls them off and tosses them across the room knocking something from your dresser onto the floor

He looks at your white lacy underwear before pulling them off and diving into your core makeing you gasp and clench your thighs around his head

"Right there dayrl! Yes!" You wiggle as he feverishly eats you out he reaches his fingers up to work your clit bringing you closer to your climax

Dayrl notices your breathing pattern that you never fail to display when your close

He speeds his tongue up
Inserting a finger inside of you bending it to repeatedly hit your g-spot
"Dayrl im so close" you gasp
"Finish for me baby" he purrs

That sent you over the edge makeing you finish on his fingers your juices covering your sheets

"Mm, would you look at that" dayrl chuckles

He backs up off of the bed while you calm down from your High

He slowly unbuckles his belt tossing it onto the floor making a 'clank' sound

He slides his jeans off followed by his boxers

You gasp as he pulls you by your ankles to the edge of the bed

He lines himself up with your entrance and looks to you for consent
(consent is fucking H.O.T)

you nod and he shoves his length into you without warning

You gasp loudly and wiggle your hips to gain more friction

He begins to quicken his pace makeing the headboard of the bed slam into the wall most definitely bugging your neighbors

"Fuck, is this ok darling?" He groans
"Y-yes right there" you gasp

He begins to speed up again, he watches as your breast bounce with each thrust that sent him over the edge

He falls forward as he finishes inside of you

He pants like a damn dog as he lays his head on your chest still inside of you

"You did miss me" you laugh
"I said shut up" he laughs


I hate this.
Whatever though 💋
It's short ik but I'm not the best with writing smut so yea🙏🏻

700 words !

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