•red dress•||dayrl,Rick,negan||

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-fluff?,flirty? Mild smut-

You are completely oblivious of the conversations dayrl negan and Rick have about you

They all find you attractive
In many ways

Tonight you decide to wear a scandalous red dress to a dinner party
They don't mind at all 😉


"Y/n?" Maggie waves her hand in front of your face

You blink quickly realizing you zoned out
"Yea sorry" you say
"Are you gonna be there?" She asks
"Huh? Where?" You shake your head
"Really y/n? The dinner party that Tara and Denise are throwing for there engagement?" She rolls her eyes
"Oh yeah I wouldn't miss it" you smile

She nods
"What time is it supposed to start?" You ask
"Probably in like an hour" she takes a sip of her coffee

"Ok I'm gonna get ready" you smile
"Ok but wear something nice this is special to them!" She yells at you as you run up the stairs

You walk into your room shuting the door behind you
"Maybe a dress?" You mumble as you flip through your closet which was mostly baggy clothes

You come across a red mini dress that you picked up on a run as a joke

You come across a red mini dress that you picked up on a run as a joke

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✧The dress ( you can change the design just not the color)✧

"Fuck it" you shrug and pull it off of the rack

You throw it on the bed and remove your clothes you put on a red lacy matching undergarment set
It fit perfectly with the dress

You slip the dress over your head
You look into the mirror
The dress hugged your curves perfectly
You nod with a little smile at your appearance

You walk back down stairs and slip on your stained white hightop converse
You grab a black jacket
You grab your weapon holsters

You strap your knife holder around your thigh
It was visible but you didn't care

"Y/n u ready?" Maggie and glen walk in
Maggie was wearing a poofy blue dress and glen was wearing a suit

In the apocalypse people don't usually dress up so you all take advantage of it when you can

"Yep" you smile

-time skip to the dinner party-

You all walk through the door and the house was already packed they had Carl dress up as some sort of waiter
He was carrying around champagne
It was probably Denise's idea

You walk into the living room there house was kind of open concept so the living room and the kitchen were connected aswell as the dining room

You look around at all of the familiar faces "oh y/n over here!" Carol shouts
She was standing in a group consisting of Rick,dayrl,negan,Rosita and her

You walk over grabbing a glass of champagne off of Carl's tray on the way over

You walk up and stand in between Rosita and carol "hey" you smile and take a sip out of the glass

"You look great y/n!" Rosita smiles
"Thanks you to!" You chuckle
Dayrl negan and Rick just stared
You clear your throat makeing them all jump

"Get your heads out of the gutter guys" carol laughs
You roll your eyes and smile
"Oooo strawberries" you walk away to the bowl of strawberries

They all watch your ass at you walk off
"Hot Damn" negan mumbles
"Hot damn indeed" dayrl grins
"The things i would-" Rick gets cut off
"Hey! You all need to calm down" Rosita laughs

Everyone starts walking to the table and you follow

-after dinner (idk what to write)-

You get up from the table
And walk out of the room almost everyone has already left but some of you stayed behind moveing from champagne to vodka

Dayrl was dancing to whatever shit song was playing
Rick was sitting down besides you at the counter and negan was singing to dayrl

"They act like children" you giggle
You look over to Rick who was already starring at you

"What?" You laugh
"You know your gorgeous?" He grins
"Rick your drunk" you roll your eyes
"I don't have to be sober to know" he smiles

"Stop being cheesy" you look back to dayrl

Who was now walking forwards you with his hands out
"What?" You laugh
"Dance with meeeeeee" he begs

"No couldn't!-" you get cut off by him pulling you up to your feet

He spins you around so he's behind you he wraps his hands around your waist "dayrl stop" you laugh
"OOooo wake me up before you go go" dayrl songs along to the music

"Hey hey my turn" negan pulls you away by your waist and moves you face to face with him
"Hi" you smile
"Hi" he wispers
He connects your lips to his and you wrap your arms around his neck

You feel rick suck on your neck
Dayrl comes from the other side joining him

"Hey hey" you stop them
"What I'm sorry we didn't know you didn't wanna-" negan starts

"Hey no no it's just-" you start
"We should go to my pace" you finish


Ok ok I'm aware this one was odd and sorry to leave you all high and dry but I have absolutely no idea how to write a foursome...

Anyway this was fairly short but I wanted to atleast get something out to you guys lol

Anyone want a part two?

936 words!

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