•Not one of your wives• ||negan||

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-fluff,lemon,mild smut,a lil bit of everything lol-

you were recently discovered by a group that calls themselves the 'saviors'

There leader goes by the name negan
He Carry's around a stupid bat that he calls lucieal, he has multiple 'wifes' that he makes where some ugly dresses

He isent really 'in love' with his wife's he just has them to fuck or rant to

Ever since you arrived at the sanctuary he's had a sweet spot for you he wants you to give in and join the group of wive's but you refuse

Negan just won't give up.


You walk down the long staircase leading to the main "hub"

You get to the bottom and get stopped by the man in a leather jacket holding a bat "hello, beautiful" negan leans back and smiles

"Hello negan" you roll your eyes
"Why so serious" he pouts
"Because I'm not in the mood for you're bullshit" you sigh

He smiles
"Fine how about we just have a drink and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day" he puts a hand on your shoulder

You look up at him
"How do i know you won't get me alone and threaten me so I'll be one of your wives" you raise your eyebrows

"Because princess, I'm not a monster if you say no it means no" he grins
"Fine, just a drink" you sigh

"Spec fucking tacular" he smiles and places a hand on your back leading you to his "house"

You walk into the room which has
A kitchen a bed a built in bar and a balcony with... A FUCKING HOT TUB?

"Living like royalty" you roll your eyes
"The best deserves the best" he grins

You take a seat at the bar and he pours you a shot of vodka
You down it and reach out for another
"Damn doll!, you know how to drink" he laughs and pours you more
Taking a seat beside you and taking a quick swig out of the bottle

-like 10 shots later-

You and negan have been sitting in silence drinking and your head is starting to spin
"Fuck" you groan and lay your head down
"Everything alright princess?" Negan asks
"Yea yea im great" you swat at him

You sit back up and see him smiling at you
"Pour me some more" you reach your hand out
"Ask nicely" he winks

You roll your eyes

"Please what?" He asks
"Please pour me some more" you whine
"What's my name?" He asks
"Negan" you groan
"Mm that's not it" he grins

You sigh
"Please boss may I have some more" you whine
"Yes doll" he wispers and pours the clear liquid into your shot glass you take another sip and stand up

"What are you doing?" Negan laughs
"What are you doing?" You mock him sticking your tongue out

You almost fall but negan stands up and catches you
"Your drunk" he laughs
"Nuh uh" you sit on his couch and his sits beside you

"Why do you have so many wives?" You ask
He looks at you
"You would know if you would accept my offer" he grins
"Why should I" you lean towards him
"Because your sexy and smart and I don't want any other guy to put his hands on you or I'll snap there neck in half" he looks you dead in the eye

You reach over and place your hand over his crotch
"I don't belong to you" you wisper in his ear

You begin to palm him through his jeans he grunts and grabs your waist

You slap his hand away
"Ah ah ah, no sir" you giggle and throw yourself back

"Your such a tease" he whines
"You know I'll never be one of your wives" you grin

He moves over to you and leans into you "your not in charge here" he grins
He connects your lips to his and moves on top you you holding himself up with his hands placed
besides you

"Your fucking mine" he says in between kisses
He pulls away from you

"Stand up" he orders
You follow his directions and stand Infront of him
"Take it all off" he sits back

You remove your clothes so your naked body is on display for him
"Fuck princess" he says

"Come here" he pats his lap you climb onto him looking him in the eyes
He unbuttons his pants and lets them slide down leaving him in boxers

-i dont want to write smut so.... Use your imagination again -

Negan lays beside you
He pants trying to catch his breath
"No one of my wives huh?" He laughs


I'm so sorry for leaving you thirsty bitches high and dry again 😭

Anyway negan's so fine

Xoxo 💋

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