•My Rose• ||Rosita||

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-smut,fluff, a little angst-   

You and Rosita have been together since the world went to shit.
You have had your differences
But you love her.

Recently you've realized that you want to spend the rest your life with her.


"Babe you ok?" Rosita looks at you
"Oh yea im good rose I just, zoned out" you smile to her.
She nods to you and goes back to talking to Eugene.

You can't think straight
She's all that's on your mind.
It's like when you had a crush on her all over again.
You want to spend your life with her.
You don't know where this is coming from because it's not like you guys are planning to break up anytime soon.
But maybe you don't want to be her girlfriend anymore.

Mabey you want to be her wife?

"I'm gonna take a walk love" you pat her back.
"Ok I'll see you at home?" She kisses you
"Yep bye, love you" you stand up and walk out of the door and down the street to the grimes house

You knock on the door and dayrl answers
"Hey y/n what's up?"  He smiles
"I need to talk to michonne is she here?" You ask
"Yea come in she's in her room" he opens the door
You run upstairs to Michonne's room and swing the door open
"Hey y/n what's wrong " she says
You pull your hands to the top of your hair and tug on it

"Michonne I don't know what to do" you cry
"Hey hey what's up?" She sits you down
"I think I love her" you smile
"We know that y/n" she rubs your back
"No Michonne..... I lOVE love her, I want to spend the rest of my life with her... I want to be her wife" you smile slightly and a wave of relief goes over you finally admitting to it

"Woah y/n.." Michonne giggles
"I need your help though" you look at her
"Of course, whatever you need" she smiles
"I need to get a ring and I have to plan when to do it" you sigh
"I'm on it" she says

-after the planning-

You slip on some simple clothes

You slip on some simple clothes

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(The fit💋)

You walk downstairs and see Rosita in a beautiful black dress it hugged her curves perfectly and you loved it

"You look beautiful my love" you walk to her and place a kiss on her lips
"Thank you" she smiles to you

"Are you ready?" You wrap your arms around her waist
"Of course" she giggles

You walk her outside to the closed off area around the lake  with a picnic venue set up surrounded with candles and roses

"Woah" she smiles
You walk her to the blanket and help her to the ground you take a seat beside her

"You didn't have to do all of this" she giggles
"The best deserves the best" you smile to her

You stand up and reach down for her
"Dance with me?" You giggle
"I'd be delighted" she says in a sarcastic British accent

You pull her up and spin her around
You wrap your hands around her waist and sway with her

You pull away and before she could turn around you get down on one knee and look up at her

"Holy shit" she covers her mouth

"My Rose.. because of you I found companion ship in a word that's gone mad. Rose we've been through harsh elements but you have always had my back. You make the hurtful world hurt less." You pause
"Rosita Espinosa will you make me the luckest girl on earth and take my hand in marriage?"

"yes!" She reaches her her hand out as you stand
You slide the ring onto her finger and pull her into a kiss

She pulls you down onto the blanket and pulls you onto her lap

"Ai ai mi amor" she says into the kiss
You laugh and she flips you over so shes on top of you
She removes your flannel shirt and pulls your black top off riping some of the buttons off leaving you in your bra

She unbuttons your pants pulling them off aswell
"God look at you" she purrs
She lowers herself down to your heat
She dives into your core without hesitation

You wiggle around under her grasp
"Holy shit" you moan
"Tu sabes hacer el bien" she says into your heat the vibration of her voice pushing you further

She reaches up and massages your left breast griping your waist with her free hand

The familiar feeling in your lower stomach starts to grow
Rosita notices your breathing becoming more shallow and pulls her hand away from your breast  and slides her finger into you swiftly thrusting it in and out of you and bending it to hit your g-spot over and over

This send you over the edge
"Rosita I'm gonna c-cum" you moan
"Cum for me baby" she breaths

You release on her fingers and she continues to work your clit through your high

When your finally come down from your High she drapes your flannel over your shoulders and helps you get your shorts back on

"God I love you rose" you say as you eat one of the strawberries you laid out she giggles and cuddles into your side


thank you so much to the beautiful person who requested this 💋
I hope this was what you wanted!

This was my first wlw smut so sorry it's short!

972 words!


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