•under the table•||glen||

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-smut, fluff?- short story!

You and glen have been hooking up secretly
The group hasn't grown suspicious but glen decides to be risky today

"How has the invitory been lately?" You ask glen sitting across from you at the empty table
"It's been better the garden is really helping out" he smiles

"That's great!, When do you think everyone will get here?" You ask
"I'm not sure I know carols bringing food so hopefully soon" he smiles

"Hopefully!" You laugh
"But untill they get here..." He grins
"No glen" you giggle

He throws his fork under the table
"Oops" his grin widens
"What are you doing?" You giggle
He climbs under the table

You feel his hands rub across your thighs

"Glen..." you gasp at his touch
"Shhhh shh don't get caught" he whispers

You feel him unbutton your shorts and slip them down

he moves your underwear to the side and rubs his hand across your core

You gasp and lay your head on the table

You feel his hot breath on your skin and he slowly slides his tongue across your clit

Suddenly basically everyone walks through the door you kick him and he continues

"Hey y/n!" Carol says putting the food on the table
"H..hey!" You stutter
"Everything ok?" Rosita asks
"Mm-mhm!" You muster up

"Where's glen?" Dayrl asks

You feel glen pull away

"Uhh i-" you start

Glen climbs up from under the table holding his fork up
"Found it!" He smiles
"Oh hey everyone!" He laughs

You rolls your eyes and smile

This was short but wtv
I don't really like writing smut so I ran out of ideas!

337 words!

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