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Takes place in Alexandria

It's your birthday and the group surprises you with a party
Everyone has this special thing planned

Carl has something else planned😉


You and beth walk side by side back to your house

You and beth hang Out a lot, today you two sang for the senior citizens

Beth insisted that you wear a dress, you tried to tell her no but she didn't care

Beth insisted that you wear a dress, you tried to tell her no but she didn't care

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(the dress)

You count your steps to pass the time of the walk
"Hey do you know if anything specials coming up" Beth asks with a grin, you two walk onto the front porch

"Not that I know of but-" you get cut off once you open the door

"SURPRISE!!!" everyone jumps out and the light turns on

"Woah what's this for?'" your mouth hangs open
Carl walks up to you, looks down at you and smiles
"Happy birthday" he wispers

"ITS MY BIRTHDAY?" You shout

"Yes y/n! It's your birthday" Beth laughs

You walk in

"Happy birthday darling" dayrl hugs you
"Thanks dad" you laugh

You look around at the house that was decorated with pink yellow and white streamers some white balloons and other random decorations
"Where'd you guys get all of this" you laugh

"I went to a few different party stores"
Carl smiles
"Thank you Carl" you chuckle and he pulls you into a hug

Everyone walked around and socialized while you and Carl sit on the couch talking about the most random stuff ever
"I can't believe I forgot about my birthday" you laugh
"It's easy to forget" Carl smiles
"No, really though thank you Carl" you lay your head on his shoulder

You and Carl are best friends
There's no denying you both like eachother but love doesn't really matter in the apocalypse....right?

"Oh yeah, presents!" Carl grinned and jumped up he made everyone walk into the living room to watch you open your gifts

"First ones from me!" Beth smiles and hands you something wrapped in ripped table cloth
You pull the string and let the cloth fall

It's a picture of you her and Carl taken on a old polaroid camera in a fraim that she added small gems and wrote happy birthday on
"Thanks Beth I love it" you smile and hug her
"My turn" dayrl hands you a black bag
"U rob a bank for me or something?" You laugh

You unzip the bag to find a handmade wooden bow it has beautiful lines and decorations carved into it and on the end it says "Y/n"

"Woah dad...." You twist it around in your hands
"I love it!" You shout and hug him
He smiles and you sit back down

"Last but not least" Carl hands you a small box
You open it to find a beautiful diamond necklace
"Woah Carl..." You smile
"Thank you" you smile to him

Everyone walks away across the house again

You sit still stareing at the diamond
"Want me to put it on for you?" Carl smiles

You nod to him and stand up
He grabs the necklace and walks behind you
He pulls your hair to the side and he wraps the necklace around your neck
His body presses against yours makeing your eye brows furrow

He clips the necklace
And grabs your waist leading you to the mirror
You look at yourself in the mirror the necklace resting on your chest perfectly

Your eyes flicker away from the necklace and to Carl who is admiring you through the mirror holding on to your waist
You turn your head to look at him and he looks down at you slightly

Your lips are seconds away from touching
You connect your lips with his pulling away quickly
He grins
You connect your lips again fully turning around and standing on your tip toes to reach him

You pull away as beth walks in to tell you it's time for cake
"Holy shit!" She laughs
You and Carl step away from eachother quickly
"Beth it's not what it-" you start
"It looks like you two were sucking eachother faces off!" She laughs bending down and holding her knees

She sighs "anyway the cakes ready" she walks out

"Fuck" you mumble
"Fuck indeed" Carl laughs

-after the party-

Everyone has left by now Carl stuck around to help you clean up

"Thanks for helping out" you smile breaking the awkward silence
"No problem" he smiles you throw yourself on the couch and Carl follows

You lay your head on his lap closing your eyes

He looks down at you admiring your plump lips and long eyelashes

"Stop gawking you perv" you laugh
"Says the one laying in my lap" he teases
You sit up
"Oh that's how we're gonna play?" You laugh
"I guess it is" he mocks
You climb over on top of him straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck
"How about this?" You tease
"Who's the perv now" he laughs
"Atleast I can go for more than 5 minutes!" You mock
"You wouldn't last a second" he laughs placing his hands on your hips

"Oh really?" You grin
"Really" he says blankly

You slowly push yourself down on him moving your waist around once and stoping
He throws his head back sighing
"Your proving my point" you giggle
"Fine let's make a deal" he looks you in the eyes

"First one to give in has to do whatever the other person says for a week" he grins and tilts his head
"Deal" you grin

You slowly push your hips down again moveing them back and forth looking Carl in the eye
"Fuck" he sighs
"Giving up yet?" You laugh
"Never" he grins
He connects your lips kissing you roughly moveing your hips back and fourth
You moan into the kiss and you could feel him grin
He tries to reach into your dress
"Nope" you move his hand away
"Unless you give up" you grin
"Fuck this" he says lifting you and pinning you to the couch
He removes your dress breaking the kiss
He admires your white lacy bra
"Fuck" he sighs
"Whatever I say for a week" you wink
"Yea yea" he rolls his eyes and
Burry's his face into your chest
You gasp
He slowly moves down getting to your underwear he removes them with his teeth and puts them in his pocket
"I'll be keeping these" he says before diving into your core
"Shit Carl" you moan
He stands up and removes his clothes letting his pants fall to his ankles

-i don't feel like writing allat so use your imagination for what happens next😈-

You sigh and drop down next to
Carl who was panting like a damn dog
Your chest rises up and down quickly as you try to catch your breath
Your skin was red and hot and your hair looked like you stuck your finger in an outlet

"Best birthday ever" you laugh
"Shut up" Carl says at he snuggles into you


sorry about that, anyway
Sorry for leaving you horny bitches high and dry 🙈


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