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Recently a new guy named Christopher arrived at Alexandria
You were informed you had to show him around and introduce him to some of the people

You've realized that he is very easy to get along with and have formed a friendship with him!

Carl doesn't like the way he looks at you.


"So anyway that was the last time I ever went" Christopher laughs
You lean forward at the boys story and gasp for air as you die laughing

"You ok?" Chris laughs
"Yea yea im good" you chuckle

"Hey guys" Carl walks up and sits beside you on the bench you and chris sit at every day at noon
"Hey sheriff" you act like your tilting your hat at him
"Shut up" he chuckles and pulls you into his side

You laugh
"Oh Chris! you remember Carl?" You lean up and point in between them
"Yep" he turns to Carl and reaches a hand out "nice to finally meet one of y/n's friends" he smiles and shakes Carl's hand

Carl was about to say something but you beat him to it "Actually cris he's my boyfriend" you look at him with a 'cut it out' expression

"My bad bro" he throws his hands up in surrender at you
"All good" you smile "although I think I should be getting home" you smile

"I could walk you home if you need" Chris says as Carl stands beside you
"No it's ok!, Me and Carl live together so we'll walk home together!" You smile at him

Cris clinches his teeth together and nods "will do" he says putting on a fake smile

-After you and Carl walk home-

You walk in and kick your shoes off and throw your jacket on the couch
Walking into the kitchen
"Hey love, you hungry?" You ask opening the fridge as Carl walks into the kitchen

"Yea sure whatever" he sits at the counter
You grab a box of fruits and pull them out of the fridge
"Everything ok?" You ask setting the box Infront of Carl
"I don't like him" Carl grunts
"Huh? who" you ask confused
"God damnit, Christopher!" He shouts throwing his hands up
"Carl calm down... What are you talking about" you lean on the counter
"The way he looks at you, how do you not see it?" He looks into your eyes
"Because Carl I ONLY want you, I can't control how guys look at me" you scoff

"No but you Can control who you hang out with" he looks up at you
"What the hell are you saying?" You rase your eyebrows
"Im saying I don't want you around him anymore" he looks at his food

You scoff again
"Look Carl, I get your concern but you have nothing to worry about, God you should trust that I wouldn't cheat on you" you stand up straight

He stays silent
"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight" you walk out of the room

-in the morning-

You wake up, the bright light shining through the blinds you try to roll over but get held down by the boy cuddling you, you look over at Carl peacefully sleeping

You smile and roll your eyes at the boy who must have moved to the couch aswell last night

You both have your arguments but you never stay mad at him and he never stayed mad at you

You pull away from his grasp and place a kiss on his forehead

"Mm what are you doing" he says lazily
"It's ok love im just gonna go shower" you smile at the sleepy Carl Infront of you
"What about me" He smirks
"Fine but you know we have to go to the council meeting In a few hours so no funny shit, deal?" You chuckle

Carl grabs your hand and jumps up from his spot of the couch
"Deal" he pulls you in by your waist and plants a small kiss on your lips

"Alright alright" you push away

-sorry you thirsty ppl but I'm saving the smut for the next chapter 😏💋-

You get out of the shower and step into the steamy room your legs almost buckling underneath you but Carl steadies you
"I said no funny shit" you sigh wrapping your towel around you and opening the door the fresh air pouring in
"I couldn't help it" Carl walks behind you grabbing your waist and looking you in the eye

"So we have an agreement?" He grins
"Fine with won't hang out with Chris anymore" you chuckle


I was gonna make this chapter smut but I decided that the next chapter is gonna be just smut!

Please tell me who to make the next chapter on🙏🏻




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