•first time•||Negan smith||

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"Eugene I don't care" y/n scoffs
"B-but if you put on expired makeup it could cause severe breakouts and then you will be itchy" Eugene groans. "Ok well there is no way I'm going to talk to negan while looking like a dried out hampster" y/n giggles.

"I don't get what you see in him, he's a psychopath and he's 3 times your age" Eugene rolls his eyes. "You choose the worst times to be an over protective brother Eugene." Y/n sighs
"how would Rick feel?" He asks
"Well thanks to you, Rick hates us" y/n looks down "please just... Don't let him hurt you" Eugene sighs "I'll be fine"
y/n hooks an earring onto her ear.

"I'm leaving" y/n giggles grabbing her coat and wrapping it around her shoulders. "Bye" Eugene sighs, y/n walks out of the door shutting it behind her and prancing down the long hallway.

She arrives at negan's 'apartment' and knocks on the double doors. Negan opens the door, he's wearing sweat pants and a white shirt.

Y/n is gonna talk to him about getting meds for a little girl with a sickness.
Y/n has always put others first but she's also going to see negan for her own selfish needs. She's had a crush on him since she was broght to the sanctuary. He's a psychopath but in some ways that just turns her on. Negan is wayyyy older than y/n but she doesn't seem to care.

"Well hello beautiful" negan grins
"Hello negan" she smiles
"What brings you here?" He asks
"Well I was wanting to talk to you about something and I just thought maybe you wouldn't mind listening?." Y/n looks up at him shyly "well of course come on in" he leans to the side to welcome her in.

Y/n walks in and takes a seat on the couch negan doing the same. "Well I'm gonna make this quick because I'm sure your time is very valuable to you." Y/n states "darlin you can waste all my time, hell you could hit me with with a car and I'd thank you" negan breaths

"Well... So what...uhm what happened...well what needs to happen is... Umm" y/n freezes up.
"Hey hey calm down" negan places his hand on her inner thigh.

She looks up at him shock in her eyes, she moves her eyes from his eyes to his chapped lips. A wave of relief comes over her when he nods signaling for her to continue.

"Well there's this Little girl and she's really sick"
y/n pauses. "she really needs medicine so.. well I don't need you to go out of your way to find it but if your on a Run and see it could you maybe...." Y/n looks up to him
"I'll tell my men" negan smiles warmly.

Y/n lets out a sigh of relief
"I allways knew you had a big heart" he smiles "what?" She giggles.
"Dont what me, you stood up to the big boss in order to get this little girl some damn meds." he looks her in the eyes soaking in the moment. "I respect the hell out of you y/n." Negan smiles.

Y/n looks at negan her eyes full of lust, she licks her lips awkwardly. "Y/n.." negan sighs "y-yes?" She studders.
Negan moves closer to her. "Do I make you nervous?" He whispers in her ear "i-" y/n starts. "Hm?" Negan grins admiring her facial features.
"N-no sir" she says absolutely lying, "sir?" Negan chuckles "damn am I that old? I thought I had a slight chance with atleast taking you on a date." He chuckles

"Well u-um no wait... Not no you can't take me on a date but no your not old" y/n looks up at negan grinning at her. "Not that I wouldn't go on a date with you, well only if you would want to... Um I'm gonna stop speaking now" she avoids eye contact. "So is that a yes?" He smiles "huh?" She looks at him "is that a yes? Meaning you will go out with me?" He smiles widely

Y/n's blood rushes to her cheeks, she leans forward connecting her lips with his. They move their lips in sync as he slides his tongue across her lips begging for entrance. He slides his tongue inside of her mouth, their tongues fighting for dominance. His unsurprisingly won. He guides her hips to his lap so she's straddling him. She places her hands on his shoulders steadying herself as she deepens the kiss. He places his hands on her lower back and he grins into the kiss, surprised at the girls sudden skills.

Negan moves his hands to the bottom of y/n's shirt attempting to remove it. Y/n jumps off of him quickly pulling her shirt back down. "Woah woah, I wouldn't have done that if I didn't think you were ok with it" negan says worrying he made her uncomfortable. "No no it's not that I'm not comfortable I just..." She looks at the ground like she's asshamed. "What is it?" Negan stands up placing his hands around her waist looking down at her.
"I've just never done this before...."
Y/n says truthfully
"I'll go easy on you doll" negan grins


Heyyy! I was going to make this a smut imagine but I didn't feel like it and also just needed to post something lol!

Thank you for reading!❤️💋

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