Chapter 1: Of Uncles And Bitterness

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A/N: Things happen in snapshots here...but I think it'll progress nicely!  As always, I hope you enjoy the chapter!  Happy 4th of July and let me know what you think/if you have any comments or questions!

Light rain pelted the house and Pete Mitchell just stood on the doorstep, silently waiting for his niece to open the door.  He had already been standing out here for five minutes, and no one had let him in.

Finally, the door to the house opened up, revealing a scowling 16 year old girl.  Kelsey stood in front of him, arms crossed.  "Maverick." She stated in disdain.

He winced at the usage of his call-sign.  It was well known that Kelsey only used call signs when she was mad at him. 

"Sure," Pete remarked.  "You'll call Ice, Uncle Ice, but you call-sign me when you're mad."

"To be fair, he brings me ice cream.  And he didn't pull Brad's papers." Kelsey pointed out. 

"Well, will you please let me in?" He begged, giving his best charming smile.

She rolled her eyes and left the door open, retreating back into the house.  With Bradley finally going back to college and his papers being pulled, he had no desire to be in the house where Pete would be.

Not that she necessarily blamed him.  She was angry too—

Because in a way, it had pushed her away from him too. 

Kelsey turned her attention to the single duffel bag that Pete had slung over his shoulder.  "Is that all you brought?"

"I don't need much." Pete said with a shrug.

"You realize you have to live here for two years, only doing work when I'm not here?" Kelsey pressed.

He put a hand over his heart, a fake mocking expression on his face. "Really?"

She honestly could have thrown something at him.  "I'm serious!  If you can't handle taking care of a minor, I can always just ask to move in with Uncle Ice."

At that, Pete sobered.  "No way, duckie.  Like I'd leave my favorite niece when she needs me most."

Kelsey was silent for a moment.  "Okay, but I have Sarah and Ice on speed-dial for a reason."

"That's fair."

Pete turned his attention to the house for a minute. It just seemed too bleak and devoid of life.  With only Kelsey living here now, and Carole and Bradley gone, it just felt all sorts of wrong.

An idea struck his mind and the man couldn't help the grin that spread across his face.  "What about pizza and a movie?"

The teenager looked at him suspiciously.  "I have homework."

"And I'm giving you permission to not do it!"

She raised an eyebrow.  "You're really not good at the whole parenting thing, are you?"

"I'll let you pick the movie?" He offered.

Sizing her Uncle Pete up, she finally let out a sigh and gave a nod.  "Yeah, okay."


As the Goonies played on the screen, Kelsey took a bite of her pizza, snuggling back into the comfort of the couch.  Her knit blanket strung around her shoulders, it almost felt like a summer movie night again.

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