Chapter 16: The Proposal

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A/N: The moment you've all been waiting for....and the announcement that the next chapter will be around Christmas time! Sorry but that's just the way it goes! As always, let me know what you think!

New Years Eve, 2016:

Oh to be in New York for the famous ball-dropping of the New Year. Oh to not even be in Times Square because your boyfriend absolutely insists that he has a 'game plan.'

Kelsey found herself equally amused and curious just as to what Jake's grand plan of the night was. Seeing that they were getting farther and farther from Times Square, Kelsey leaned forward in the cab, chin in her hands.

"Should I be suspicious since I'm usually the event planner?"

Jake nearly rolled his eyes at her. "No. I have a plan. It's fool-proof, too."

"We need to knock on wood now." Kelsey mumbled, shaking her head at him with a grin on her face.

"Will you just trust me?"

"I trust you more than anyone else," Kelsey admitted, leaning onto his suit coat. They had come straight from dinner—where they had eaten at a fancy seafood restaurant. As a foodie, it was heaven for Kelsey.

Her gray beanie still had a few flakes of snow in it. It was just barely starting to snow again as they had exited the restaurant. Kelsey had to admit, there was some kind of magic to being in New York at Christmas time.

And it wasn't just because she was a large fan of the movie Elf or Home Alone 2. There was something about snow and seeing lights everywhere and just feeling like there was nostalgia and magic.

As the taxi pulled to a stop, Kelsey couldn't help it. Her jaw dropped, red lipstick accented against the pale skin. "Is that—"

"The Plaza Hotel?" Jake asked in a smug tone.


"Home Alone 2. I listen when you talk."

Kelsey's grin seemed permanent on her face. "How the hell did you manage this? It's way too expensive—"

Jake gave a slight wince. "Your Uncle Ice is a very persuasive man."

"Well no shit." Kelsey deadpanned, taking his hand as he helped her out of the car. "This is seriously where we're staying?"

"Well we're on the top floor and we do have a Times Square view, so you'll still be able to see the ball drop." Jake grinned.

Kelsey didn't even know what to say. She was speechless as she followed him to the elevator, half expecting to see some sort of child scammer running around (just like in the movie).

In the entryway of the Plaza Hotel, a gorgeously lit Christmas Tree was still standing—evidently waiting for the New Year to retire. Kelsey was still thawing out her hands from her black gloves as they went up—

Floor after floor passed. Finally, at the 21st floor, they came to a stop. Kelsey was surprised—Jake had gone all out, and so had Uncle Ice. Very clearly—something was up. Oh God—was Jake about to propose—

Kelsey's mind was racing with the realization of what was about to take place. And although she already knew her answer, she was slightly panicking. Because she really really wished she could talk to her mom in this particular moment and for what would follow.

But Carole was not there. And that would not change.

Jake unlocked the door to the hotel room and—

If she thought that it was magical outside, she had been dead wrong.

Ribbons were strung all over the place, with pictures attached along the ribbons. Pictures of her and Jake, from their travels. Kelsey barely took a single step inside, barely noticing the rose petals on the floor and the candles around the room.

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