Chapter 13: When You Say Ice, You Mean The Admiral??

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A/N: the family dynamics are just too much fun haha! As always, let me know what you think!

Christmas, 2015:

Being back in California felt like a whole acid trip, to be honest. And not a good one—not that Kelsey had ever really been into drugs or anything. But she was certain that it was more than a case of deja-vu that was leading her in what felt like a circle.

"Hey, this isn't that far from Top Gun!"

Ha, right—

Kelsey grinned. "You know, I could drive."

Jake just snorted. "No girlfriend of mine is going to drive when I can take that burden from them."

"You're just saying that because you're scared of my driving."

"Babe, I love you, but Italy, this is not."

"Well no kidding, traffic laws actually apply here. I'm perfectly content being the Passenger Princess, for now." Kelsey admitted, eyes watching the sights carefully.

Sitting in a jeep, she almost felt like she was that 18 year-old dropping Bradley off at Top Gun again. It was rather odd though—what with the Christmas lights and the proximity to her old house—yeah, definitely a weird year.

"So what exactly does your family do for Christmas?" Jake spared a glance over at Kelsey, with her signature red lip and green sweater, she looked like she was straight out of a Hallmark movie.

"Well it depends on the year," Kelsey admitted. "Some years we've done an ugly sweater contest. Other years it's working at a soup kitchen. Other years we go caroling like we're the freakin' Barden Bellas—"

"Pitch Perfect, why Pitch Perfect?"

"Listen, my family is a little....competitive. Especially my brother. But he won't be here this year since he's on tour." Kelsey explained. "And Uncle Pete is in Nevada doing God knows what to the military's defense systems—"

"So that just leaves the other Uncle and said family." Jake gave a nod.

The previous month, Jake had thought Kelsey was practically crazy for being nervous to meet his family—now though, he was starting to see the appeal. See, Kelsey didn't talk about her family much, and when she did, things tended to sour quickly.

He had no idea what to expect or even what they were like—minus the fact that her Uncle had apparently been a graduate of Top Gun. Or something like that.

"And this year, what are the plans?" Jake continued as Kelsey directed him to take the next left.

"Well we're going to watch White Christmas, make cookies, and demand that God gives us snow."

"Demanding God for snow. You are one of a kind, Bambi." Jake grinned.

"Oh just wait until we do the present exchange. It's this house here!" Kelsey pointed ahead at the sprawling mansion and Jake felt slight unease roll through him. This house was nice—nicer than something he had seen in a long time.

And though he did come from some old Southern Money, it was clear that there was a standard of living here. Jake couldn't help but swallow dryly and force a smile onto his face.

"I'll grab the bags—" Jake started.

But Kelsey was already nearly sprinting out of the car, eyes set on the man—the myth—the legend. "UNCLE ICE!" She shrieked.

Jake couldn't help it. His jaw dropped and he stood there looking like a damn fool. Because there, standing under magnificently colored Christmas lights and wearing an oversized sweater, was Admiral Tom Kazaksky.

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