We're Never Ever Getting Back Together/ You Held My Passport Hostage

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A/N: And the unhinged behavior continues.....there is not a single brain cell present here Like, ever. That being said, I hope you have a ton of fun with this chapter! Let me know what you think/if you have any comments or questions!

"You can't be serious, right?" Kelsey's anger had quickly grown into something colossal, something that demanded to be let out. To spill out into her words, into her voice.

Paolo just threw his hands up in the air. "I don't know what you want from me anymore!"

"That's just it!" Kelsey snapped. "I never wanted anything except the bare minimum, and you can't even do that!"

"Is that why you're screwing him?"

Dead silence fell over the apartment that had been loud for well over thirty minutes now. Kelsey was fuming, shoulders hunched forward as her jaw dropped. "Who the hell are you talking about?" She demanded.

"Oh don't act all innocent! I've seen the pictures!"

"Are you talking about Jake—"

"Oh, his name is Jake?" Paolo hissed, voice full of venom. "How nice for you."

Her face felt hot. "I'm not screwing him, he's a friend—"

"He's in almost all of your pictures!"

Kelsey honestly could have screamed. "It was supposed to be you in half of those!" She retorted. "You're the one who's never even HERE!"

Paolo just let out a cold laugh, running his hands through his dark curls. "You are such a liar. You just manipulate people, it's what you do."

"Me?!" She choked out. "You cheated on me with that bitch, Anna—"

His finger had flown in her direction, shaking his head. "That's not fair—you forgave me for that!"

"No, no I didn't! You just didn't listen to me!" Kelsey snapped. "I've never cheated on you, or kissed anyone else, let alone slept with anyone else while we've been dating."

"You are such a lying bitch." Paolo spat out.

The silence and tension between the two was heavy. She took a step closer, hurt clear on her face. "Take that back."

"No, you're cheating! I give you everything, a place to stay, expenses, whatever the hell you want and you just—" His hand smacked outwards and hit her cheek.

Kelsey's eyes went wide at the same time Paolo's did. "Paolo!"

"I—I didn't mean—" Paolo started.

But Kelsey wasn't willing to take that from a man. If he got violent accidentally, she knew just how easy this whole thing could get physical. She made a move towards the door and he grabbed her wrist.

Then all hell broke loose. She shoved away from him and he shoved her forward, slamming the door and locking it after her. Effectively keeping her from the apartment.

"Let me in, you—you asshole!" Kelsey pounded on the door, anger continuing to build.


"I want my stuff! I'll leave—"


Kelsey was near tears as she made her way outside of the apartment, finding the sun just beginning to go down. No passport, no phone, no drivers license—literally all of her stuff was still in the apartment and he wouldn't even let her in.

And he had hit her—an accident, but violence all the same.

For a moment, it was all she could do to just inhale deeply. She wasn't going to cry. She couldn't. Because if the waterworks started, they'd probably never stop.

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