Chapter 5: Serial Killer or Gentleman, I'm Not Sure

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A/N: I seriously love these idiots so much! As always, let me know what you think/if you have any questions or comments!

Question of the day: Where would you like to travel to and why?

Just a few short months later was when Kelsey Ryan found herself totally and completely out of place. At a party where Paolo's friends seemed to frequent, loud music blasting from the speakers, and barely able to breathe in all of the heavy heat—

And of course, doing her best to stay away from alcohol. She didn't really have a taste for it anyway, and it usually brought more problems than she thought worth it. Swaying through the crowd and hoping that she'd find something to bring this night to an end, Kelsey was bored.

Loneliness was a funny thing. Kelsey had learned that if she could keep herself busy for long enough, it wasn't a problem. Jumping from one thing to the next, always traveling, always doing something, it provided a distraction.

Sweet relief from the fact that she was isolated and alone, and most of it was self-inflicted.

As she moved through the party, pushing past drunkards and attempting to get herself safely to the bar, she found that it was even more riotous over here than on the dance floor.

Then, in the midst of all of the foreign music and words, she heard an American accent.

The very sound gave her pause. A Southern tinted accent, here in Italy? Americans weren't usually found at these parties, it was mostly her. But now—

She turned and Kelsey found that the universe had a funny way of tying people together. Because standing behind her, and emphatically asking for ice, was Jake Seresin. The cowboy pilot from when she was 18.

Kelsey couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. She immediately moved forward, speaking rapidly in Italian. She had picked up on the language fast, and once the bartender heard her speak, he retreated into the back.

"He's getting you ice. Bit of an American thing, really. Although so is being from Texas," Kelsey stated, facing Jake fully now.

Watching his jaw drop was hilarious. "Duffel girl—Kelsey, right?"

She placed a hand over her heart in a mocking way. "Aww, you do remember me!" She exclaimed with a grin. "What the hell are you doing here in Italy?"

Jake Seresin's features stretched into a grin. "Just got stationed here, sweetheart."

"Oh, we're back to sweetheart?"

"Well you did ensure I got ice." He said, as the cup was placed in front of him, ice chips floating to the top. "What are you doing here?" He asked over the roar of the music.

"I live here!" Kelsey stated, but he couldn't really hear her.

He gestured over to the balcony and the duo made their way into the night air, finally finding a modicum of quiet. "Bit loud....didn't think this was your scene." Jake remarked, taking a sip of his drink.

She shrugged. "Well when you live in Italy..." she trailed off. "It's nice to speak English for more than five minutes though."

The look of relief that washed over his features was gratifying. "Same here. I'm trying to learn the language, but..." He trailed off.

"It's hard. You been anywhere else?" She asked curiously, leaning onto the rail.

"Spain for a while, and then a tour in Afghanistan." Jake said simply.

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