Javy Can Never Find Out

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A/N: Soooooo......this happened.....I'll see you all in October for the next couple chapters! School starts tomorrow and as a Junior in college, life is busy! Hopefully this will tide you over until then though haha! As always, let me know what you think!

6 Months Later:

To say that Kelsey Ryan felt trepidation would have been a gross understatement . The simple fact of the matter that was that she was confused. Granted, Bradley had once told her that she had so few brain cells, that it was a miracle she walked around without dying.

She just didn't think that was true until this particular moment.

Six months of gaslighting yourself about a situationship would do that to a girl, after all.

Option 1: It was a totally friendly—I don't know if I'll see you again kiss. Her mind tended to gravitate towards this option, mostly because if something did happen to him, it would be much worse if her feelings got involved in the mix.

Thus the frantic traveling everywhere, more blog posts, and ignoring the fact that her hormones and feelings were lying there under the surface. Where she had unceremoniously shoved them when her mom died.

No, life was easier when feelings didn't get involved in friendships or relationships.

Option 2: She was the only female that he had had close contact with and he was leaving for six months. It was logical, then, that he would want to kiss someone before he left.

Considering that in those six months, through various and scattered phone calls, they hadn't talked about it—Kelsey was sure that this one was at least a possibility.

Option 3: Defcon 3, if you will. The nuclear option; he actually liked her and that was his way of letting her know. That was concerning for various reasons, including the fake engagement they were putting on to the government, their very solid friendship which she appreciated, and the fact that she may or may not have feelings for him back.

Either way, the consensus was that she was totally and royally screwed. This was a messy situation at this point.

Now, as she waited for everyone to unload off of the plane, Kelsey thought she couldn't get any more impatient. Would things still be the same between her and Jake? And where would Javy fit into everything after it was all said and done?

She hated being a woman sometimes.

Guys didn't have to overthink and spend every waking moment worrying about this stuff.

But she had a plan—she wouldn't address it if he wasn't going to bring it up. If there was any possible way that she could just brush things under the rug and move on with her life, she would do exactly that.

A smile spread across her features as she watched people reuniting with their family members and then—

Javy, he was the first one off of the plane that she knew.

He was sprinting and grinning and the next thing she knew, she was being spun around. "Holy shit, Ceeps, I missed you! Did you get shorter?" He blurted, eyes wide at the sight of her.

After she was gracefully deposited back onto solid ground, she punched him in the arm. "I did not get shorter, thank you! But it is really good to see you...I missed you." She admitted, hugging him again.

The dumb grin on Javy's face slid off as Jake came sauntering off of the plane. "I uh—gotta warn you, the attitude with that one—"

"I know, I know," Kelsey interrupted. "An air to air kill. We all know what he'll be like from now on."

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