Chapter 11: I only sleep with 1 person and that's my boyfriend

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A/N: after a long wait, here are the regularly scheduled updates again! Thank you for being patient with me! I ask that during this time you continue to be patient....I got some news and found out that my teenage cousin is going to pass away from cancer. That being said, between that, school, and family responsibilities, my updates may be a little shorter than normal! Thank you!

"I'm going to need a little less Les Miserables and a little more Mamma Mia," Javy insisted, holding the camera in his hands like a weapon.

Kelsey sighed deeply, locking eyes with Jake—Javy had turned into such a mother hen and now that it was Halloween, it wasn't even funny. They had been forced to dress up as Star Wars characters, although Javy had begrudgingly allowed the two of them to be Han Solo and Leia—with him going as Lando.

"You want me to have a fling with three men and have a child that won't know who their father is until 20 years later, all while ABBA plays in the background?" Kelsey deadpanned.

Javy's jaw dropped. "That's not what I meant—"

"I think," Jake cut in pointedly, rolling his eyes. "She's trying to get you to take the picture and be done."

"Yeah, what he said."

"You two ganging up on me is literally the worst thing to happen to me." Javy deadpanned before snapping the picture in annoyance.

"You took more pictures than my mother did for the Junior Prom!" Jake said pointedly, snatching the camera back and handing it to Kelsey, who just grinned brightly.

She started flipping through the pictures, unable to resist a laugh. The costumes certainly matched, but unfortunately for Javy, it was painfully obvious he was third-wheeling.

"These are great." Kelsey grinned. "So you know what that means—"

"Christmas Card," Javy and Jake chorused at the same time.

The young woman just gave a look of exasperation. "I guess if I've become predictable, it means you need more friends."

"Ouch, my heart." Jake said in a deadpan.

With her camera securely put away, Kelsey's gaze shifted onto the dance party that was beginning to take form in the plaza. "Ooh, I'm gonna join! Come on!"

Before either man could stop her, she had hurried off. Javy just shook his head at Jake. "What, dude?" Jake demanded.

"You're whipped. And I don't know how the hell you managed to get her to like you."

"Hey, I'm likable—"

"No, she's likable, you're tolerable when she's around."



Mid-dance, Kelsey nearly slipped and fell onto Jake—tripping over her long white dress. She giggled as he caught her and he just shook his head.

"I knew you were falling for me," Jake started.

"HA!" Kelsey exclaimed, bopping his nose. "You're funny! You remind me—of Jake!" She said in an excited tone.

"Oh Bambi's so totally wasted." Javy breathed out from a few feet away, wishing more than anything he had her camera for proof of said event.

"Darlin', I am Jake."

"Have you seen my boyfriend? He's so—so pretty." Kelsey said, looking around with wide eyes.

Jake nearly laughed. He had never seen her so wasted or drunk—not even when they had hooked up nearly two months ago.

"Baby, you need to go to bed." Jake said in a gentle tone.

She narrowed her gaze. "Is that an invitation? Because listen, I only sleep with one person and it's my boyfriend."

"And that," Javy said, leading her by the arm. "Is the best thing I've heard all day."

Not much later, the group all sat in the living room of the apartment, Kelsey sprawled out and nearly asleep on Jake's shoulder. "Dude, I hate Hocus Pocus." Javy murmured.

"Is that because you actually hate it or because it's the fifteenth time we've watched it?" Jake scrolled through his phone, a grin on his face.

"Your girlfriend is a little terror, you know that?"

"Hey, she's your best friend too." Jake said pointedly.

"Oh I know, I love her. I'm just saying that we are wrapped around her little fingers and she knows it."

"We all know that." Jake said, shaking his head at him. "Now pass the candy bowl."

"Not to be confused with the candy bowl—full of candy corn."

"I can't believe you two hate it." Kelsey mumbled tiredly. "Uncle Pete sends me packages of candy corn every year. It's a love-language."

"It's literally wax!" They both retorted to that.

"Delicious wax." Kelsey snipped back.


November 1st was also the day that their trio, in the words of the Lion King, received the news that they would be down to two.

With Javy being reassigned to Puerto Rico, no one was quite sure how to feel—least of all Javy Machado.

"This is the dumbest news I've had in like—ever." Javy mumbled, working to pack up some of his stuff in the apartment.

Kelsey, who had brought him over some homemade pizza, had a permanent frown on her face. "I agree. Can we protest this?"

"As much as I love you exercising American rights—" Jake cut in pointedly. "I don't think the Navy will appreciate that."

"I'll call my Uncle." Kelsey shrugged. "He could have this fixed in like—I don't know, an hour."

"It both terrifies me and amazes me that you are willing to abuse familial privileges for me—"

Kelsey couldn't help herself. She flung her arms around Javy, hugging him tight. For a moment, the manly man that was Javy Machado just stood there frozen. And then emotions got the best of him and he hugged the shorter woman back.

"Aww don't cry, Ceeps."

"I'm not crying, you whore." Kelsey mumbled, dabbing at her mascara.


"I'm just gonna miss you, that's all." Kelsey admitted. "And so is Jake, even if he won't hug you."

Javy looked between the two of them and for the first time in a long time—Javy Machado felt sad to be leaving this place. To be leaving these people. He had always been open to change.

But with Kelsey added to the mix of things, Javy really felt like they had begun to create a family. Still he had faith that they would find their way back to each other again. He was just that kind of guy.

"Just do me a favor?"

"Anything." Both Jake and Kelsey replied quickly.

"I get to be Best Man—"

"No way in hell. You're the Maid of Honor." Kelsey turned to Jake. "Or you can fight me on it and we can duel for rights to Javy in the wedding."

Javy just burst out laughing at the same time Jake did. He was going to miss this. He was going to miss them.

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