Chapter 8: Javy Machado, Third Wheel Extraordinaire

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A/N: These idiots are my favorite haha. As always, let me know what you think!

Kelsey and Jake were laughing as they crossed through the threshold of their apartment, bags in hand. Kelsey had absolutely insisted on going on a shopping spree, because evidently, a shared apartment needed to look good.

And yes, there was a Yoda lamp in there. Just for kicks and giggles.

And yes, the trip had been funded by Uncle Ice, who had begged her to not actually get married. It was the price for silence.

Speaking of silence—both went silent as they walked in the door to the apartment and found none other than Javy Machado sitting on the couch, bag of popcorn in hand. "Uh...whatchya doing here?" Jake questioned, confusion clear on his face. "You don't live here."

"No," Javy said through a mouthful of popcorn. "Kelsey gave me a key."

Jake spun, finding the woman looking slightly guilty with a smile. "It was for emergencies!" She hissed.

"Well this was an emergency," Javy deadpanned.

"Well you're not bleeding out." Jake retorted.

"No, but it's boring at our old place. The new roommate is so—stiff." Javy threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. "So I thought I'd crash here for now."

"Don't worry, Javy. You're welcome here anytime." Kelsey insisted, before Jake could even stop her.

"Thank you, Future Mrs. Seresin."

Jake just looked between the two of them. "You're both gonna give me hell, aren't you?"

"Yep." Came the resounding chorus.


Kelsey looked at the Italian spread in front of her, a frown on her face. She wasn't sure how much Jake would actually eat after a day of training. And besides, it was a nice friendly—platonic—gesture, right?

And besides, back when she had dated Paolo, he had expected dinner every night when he got home. Even on the nights when he got home late. It was a habit that she wasn't super keen to break.

A spread of garlic bread, salad, pasta, baked chicken, and fruit adorned the table. Yeah, she was covered in some flour, but worth it.

Just then, the door to the apartment opened and Kelsey peeked her head out of the kitchen. She was sure that she looked like some sort of crazed baker in a serial killer movie or something.

"Honey, I'm home!" Jake said in a light sarcastic tone.

A bright grin crossed her features. "On that note, I made you dinner!"

Almost immediately, the tired pilot's eyes landed on her in confusion. "You...made me dinner?"

"Yeah! No fires, I swear! Although there was the one on the stove this morning—but that's not the point!" Kelsey said, gesturing at the spread on the table.

Jake's jaw dropped as he stared at the piles of food in front of him. "You made enough to feed the entire US Navy?"


"Why?" Jake continued in a cautious tone, taking a seat at the table. Then, realizing that it came across as rude, amended his statement. "Not that I'm not grateful or anything."

"Well it's just that—it's a habit of mine. From—from when I was dating Paolo..." Kelsey trailed off into a mumble.

Immediately, Jake understood. His older sister, before she had gotten married, had been in a give and take relationship. It had messed up her mentality for years—and Jake had kicked the guy's ass. Now though, she was doing much better. But he remembered.

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