Chapter 6: Italy in Snapshots

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A/N: I am so sorry that this is late....I had a loss in the family, it was my dad's birthday, and I was dealing with apartment things for the fall! Again, so sorry but I hope that you all enjoy this! Thank you! As always, let me know what you think!

The next time Kelsey Ryan saw Jake Seresin was two weeks later, and Paolo had just canceled another date with her. She wasn't too cut up about it, not like Paolo was. She had gotten ready for the picnic and the food was all made, and he had come into the kitchen with a crestfallen face.

"I'm sorry, my cara," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Kelsey had to bite down the irritation that was creeping up within her. This was the third date they had rescheduled within the last two weeks and it was starting to get old. Excuse after excuse.

"It's fine," Kelsey exhaled, affectionately patting Paolo's face. "I know you're busy."

"I'll make it up to you."

"You always do."

He never did.

As Paolo sat down at the table, phone in hand to do his work, he glanced over at Kelsey, still nicely dressed and a picnic basket prepared. "Why don't you go out with some friends? Have a picnic?"

For a moment, Kelsey was tempted to tell him that she had no friends here in Italy and that was his fault. But not one to get angry easily, Kelsey finally just gave a nod. There was in fact, one person, who she could go with.

There wasn't anything romantic about asking a pilot on a seaside picnic, was there? Scratch that, she knew the answer. But if she took out the wine, that would eliminate most of the romantic part, right?

Kelsey slowly smiled. "Yeah, I'll go with friends. I'll be back later tonight?" She suggested.

"Yes, yes."

Paolo wasn't really listening and with that out of the way, Kelsey honestly couldn't wait.

A short while later, Kelsey had pulled up in her little bug, a large grin on her face. "I'm here to pick up an old man?"

"Ha, funny." Jake deadpanned, taking in the woman with large sunglasses and a floppy sunhat. "I didn't know you could drive."

"I probably shouldn't, but...who cares?" Kelsey grinned, gesturing for him to get in the car.

"So my first official Kelsey Ryan kidnapping," Jake started, as Kelsey began to drive. "Should I be worried that you haven't told me where we're going?"

She gave a small shrug, turning her blinker on. "Maybe," she stated slowly. "It is a long car ride, but it's totally worth it."

"How long are we talking?"

"Well you committed the entire day to my services, so three hours there, three hours back."

Jake lowly whistled. "I'd say damn, but sometimes it takes me that long to get from the airport to home in Texas."

"Ahh, the good old USA."


Jake's eyes were wide as they sat down on the boat. "You arranged all of this?" He questioned in surprise.

"Yeah, why?"

"This is—is—"


"Yeah." Jake breathed out, looking around at what she had said was Lake Como. "How'd you find this place?"

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