Chapter 18: The Only Thing You Can Cook Is Ramen??

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A/N: Sooooo I asked out for like the first time in 5 years. So I'm really excited and in a good mood :) Have a treat!

Jake had his hands on his hips, a frown securely on his face as he glanced over at Kelsey. "I don't know, leaving you like this—"

"You act as if you're going off to Normandy or some shit," Kelsey said, turning to him with a roll of her eyes. "You're just going to the Hard Deck."

"Yeah, but—" Jake started.

"Baby," Kelsey said, hands curling over his perfectly ironed uniform. "You should go and have fun with your squadmates tonight. I'm boring—I've got groceries to get and all of that."

Jake couldn't help the slightly breathless laugh that spilled from his lips. "You should still be there," he murmured, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

"No," Kelsey insisted pointedly. "Go and have one night with Javy and all of your pilot buddies without me there. And try to be nice."

He just gave her a dramatically offended look. "When am I not nice?"

"The fact that you have to ask says it all, babe." Kelsey said, patting him affectionately on the face.

With that, she turned to grab her purse, only to be gently tugged by her waist back to Jake. She couldn't help but giggle slightly—she still felt like she was falling in love for the first time every time they touched.

"I didn't say goodbye yet," Jake murmured, pressing a kiss to her neck.

Her breath hitched in her throat—he was unraveling her right here and now and if she let this get any further, she'd never hear the end of it from Javy—

"Slow your roll, Cowboy," Kelsey said, placing a finger over his lips. "I'm all yours later. But right now—you're the Navy's."

"Typical." Jake just rolled his eyes slightly.

"But I love you too," she said, pressing a quick peck to his cheek—staining his cheek with red lipstick. "Now go! Before Javy calls you—for the third time."

"Shit, really?" Jake mumbled in amusement, grabbing for his phone. "Alright, I do gotta head out, Bambi. I'll see you later."

"Don't be late!" She insisted.

He just mock-saluted. "For you? Never. I take my clocking in to bed very seriously."

She just swatted at his hands again and shooed him out the door, laughing as she did so. As soon as he was gone, the house seemed to fall completely silent. It was a strange thing—being in married housing here.

It wasn't that the home wasn't nice—because it certainly was. It just didn't have any of the personal touches that she would have preferred. She lived in a state of total clutter and chaos—organized chaos, for that matter.

So between her hoarding books and small knick-knacks from her travels and Jake going on cleaning sprees, they had a routine solidly down. For a moment, Kelsey just leaned against the door, taking in the house.

There was no way to really know how long they'd be stationed here. There was really no way to know how often she'd be seeing Jake—really no way to know anything.

She let out a slight sigh, going to the cabinet and the fridge. Both were empty and she just mused for a moment, the beginnings of a grocery list starting in her mind. But first—she had a trip to make over to see Ice.


It was just barely after dinner by the time that Kelsey made it to Ice's house—finding Sarah waiting on the front doorstep with a grin on her face. "Aunt Sarah!" Kelsey exclaimed.

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