Chapter 15: Of Nieces and Intentions

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A/N: Pete Mitchell, the man that you are....we stan a legend. As always, let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you all!

July 2016:

Admittedly, Kelsey had done a lot of things in her short lifetime. However, riding a motorcycle again after her accident wasn't one that she thought she'd be doing. But considering that Pete was out in the middle of nowhere—like, really, though—it was one of her more fun ideas.

Kelsey didn't like personal flying all that much. There was something very daunting about knowing the skies had taken her father from her—and that it would eventually claim the other people that she loved too.

Commercial flying was fine, for the most part. But Kelsey Ryan felt free as she rode through the desert heat, wind whipping at her face. This was an exhileration that was altogether not one she would be telling Jake about.

And it's mostly because she knew she wasn't all that great of a driver. It was honestly a miracle she had gotten her license in the first place—considering that Uncle Pete had been the one to teach her how to drive.

As she rolled onto the tarmac, eyes set on the glorified shed that Pete lived in, Kelsey wasn't quite sure what to make of things. Evidently, Pete wasn't sure either—seeing his baby niece all grown up and wearing a leather jacket as she came to a stop.

He couldn't help but stare—Kelsey was no longer a kid. She was a grown woman now and just seeing her—he couldn't decide if she reminded him more of Carole or Goose. The fact of the matter was that she was the best parts of both of her parents, and she had hardly known them.

For a moment, there was just silence between the two of them. And then Kelsey moved, flinging her arms around her Uncle and hugging him tightly. Because if there was one thing Kelsey Ryan knew, it was that Uncle Pete represented home.

Even though he led a nomadic lifestyle in a way—forever a bachelor, as Carole always joked—he always just felt safe to her. The smell of oil mixed with cologne—it was a weird scent mixture, but he was the only father she had ever really known.

"I can't believe you live here!" Kelsey blurted, finally pulling away from the hug.

"Well it's not Paris or Italy, but it's home." Pete grinned widely at her. "Look at you, you look great! You're all grown up!"

Kelsey couldn't help the laugh that spilled from her lips. "Uncle Pete, I've been grown up for a long time now."

"I know, but the navy's kept me busy. Come on in!" Pete said, gesturing at the old place.

Walking inside, Kelsey was hit with a wild wave of nostalgia. The airplane that sat in the bay was glorious—one that she had only seen in pictures or on the special summer visit that only happened occasionally. She had dreamed for years of riding in that thing.

Pictures of her and Brad, Carole and Goose—they littered the entire place. Pete was mixed in a few of the pictures, and she spotted Uncle Ice too—and every single one of her Christmas cards.

She turned, surprise in her eyes. "You kept my Christmas cards?"

"And I printed off all of the articles travel spots have mentioned you in," Pete added, pointing at the printed out articles.

She could scarcely contain the beaming smile that was coming from her. "Uncle Pete—"

"Oh no, don't go getting sappy on me. You promised me the Karate Kid, and I'll provide the barbecue."

"Well I'll put it in and then I want to help."


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