Chapter 19: Hangman-The Slut-Is Engaged?!

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A/N: contrary to what this chapter tells you, love is dead and I've been hardcore friendzoned by said person who asked me on a date. *screams into a void*

anyways, have a treat since I won't be updating until after Christmas!! 🥰🤍 as always, let me know what you think!

On the opposite side of things:

Jake and Javy had met up for early drinks at the Hard Deck. It had been way too long since the two of them had seen each other last, and they had no idea how long this mission would last or who else would make an appearance.

Things started out simple enough—the two of them engrossed for nearly an hour in catching up and getting up to speed with the other's life. They had done darts and were now in the middle of a pool game at the moment.

"No Ceeps tonight?"

Jake just shook his head with a grin. "We figured we shouldn't sic the two of you on the rest of the poor pilots."


"She wanted to get grocery shopping done and wanted me to be a big boy and socialize." Jake stated dryly.

"Whipped, man. Just like I said."

"Yeah, well let's keep it on the down low. I don't need people snooping around in my private life."


Before Jake could get any farther into the discussion, a group of pilots had spilled in from outside. "Oh come on!" Javy exclaimed as Jake made the points.

But Jake's attention had been caught. The dry grin that crossed his features as he straightened up—

"What do we have here? If it ain't Phoenix!" Jake exclaimed in a mock-excited tone. "And here I thought we were special, Coyote." Phoenix scowled as she and her group of pilots came to a stop in front of him. "Turns out, the invitation went to anyone."

Natasha glanced behind her, rolling her eyes. "Fellas, this here is Bagman."

"Hangman," He quickly corrected.

"Whatever," She retorted. "You're looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill."

If it was possible, Jake's grin got wider. "Stop," he insisted.

"Mind you, I think the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War—" Phoenix continued.

"Cold War!" Javy cut in. "Different wars, same century."

"Not this one," One of the pilots behind Phoenix piped up.

"And who are your friends?" Javy pressed, glancing over at the female pilot.



Phoenix just glowered slightly, sparing a glance in Javy's direction. "Hey, Coyote."

"Hey," He retorted.

"Who's he?" Phoenix gestured her head to the right.

"Who's who?" Javy questioned.

She turned her head and everyone's gazes followed, falling on a man in glasses sitting in a seat and brushing crumbs out of his lap. He glanced up, suddenly very aware of everyone's eyes on him.

"When did you get here?" Javy asked, doing a double-take.

"Oh uh—I've been here the whole time," the man replied, a smile crossing his features in embarrassment.

"The man's a stealth pilot," Jake said in amusement.

"Literally," Javy added, scrutinizing him.

"Weapons system officer, actually." He corrected.

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