Chapter 17: Who Would Want to go BACK to Top Gun??

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A/N: Soooooo I promised you some chapters here in December....but Christmas is going to be INSANE, so have one during finals week instead and then we'll see where we go from there haha! I've missed you all so much! Please let me know what you all think/predictions for what will happen now that we're in movie territory! WHOOO!!

October 2019:

"Baby, are you mad because Top Gun is a family thing?" Jake questioned, hands on his hips as he glanced over Kelsey.

Kelsey was still pinning her earrings in place, a frown on her face. "No, I'm mad because we're moving and I already had Halloween plans with the neighbors. You know I love Halloween."

"Well," Jake drawled, grabbing her hips gently and turning her to face him. "On the bright side, we'll be in California for Halloween and it will be much warmer."

"Bribery isn't a good look for you, babe." Kelsey said, patting his face affectionately. "Now stop trying to seduce me into moving to California. I hate it there."

Jake just let out an annoyed sound, following after her. They were already running late to their dinner with one of his sisters—and now with the knowledge that they were moving back to Top Gun temporarily, Kelsey was less than enthused.

"Okay, what about Ice being there?" Jake pointed out, leaning in the doorway and watching as she grabbed her heels.

"That's...that's an acceptable term of the condition." Kelsey admitted with a slight frown.

Jake didn't hesitate in kneeling down and doing up the straps of the heels for her, giving her a pointed look. "I know you miss your family—"

"Okay, well what if my brother's there?" Kelsey deadpanned, staring at her fianceé.

"That asshole?" Jake just shook his head. "The odds of that are criminally low." He rose to his feet, extending a hand to her.

"My luck is God's humor, so I don't know about that." She said, taking the hand and rising to her feet. "Well, how do I look?"

"Like my whole damn world."

"You are such a slutty sap sometimes," Kelsey retorted, chuckling slightly at him.

He gave a dramatic gasp, hand covering his heart. "Take that back! I'm only into one woman!"

"I'm aware. And this one woman doesn't want to be late for dinner with your sister. Now let's go!"


Two weeks later, and now crossing into November, Kelsey and Jake were on a plane to California. Legitimately, though—the last place on Earth that Kelsey Ryan ever wanted to be was Fightertown USA. In fact, it was on her personal goal list to never have to return there. It had been bad enough—growing up in the shadow of losing her dad there.

Then dropping off Brad and watching him turn into a totally different person had soured the entire thing for her. California raised mixed feelings in the woman as she stared out the plane window, a pensive expression on her face.

Taking a sip of her water, she turned to Jake, who was attempting—quite poorly—to get some shut-eye on the plane ride. "Who would want to come back to Top Gun?"

"Uh...your Uncles." Jake said carefully.

"Yeah but—Pete and Ice are dumbassess."

"Well I won't mention that to them if I see them."

"As far as I know, Pete's still banished in the desert." Kelsey said, leaning back in her seat.

"Well," Jake started. "There are two good things to come out of returning to Top Gun."

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