Chapter 4: Paolo The Asshole

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A/N: A change of pace, a nod to Lizzie McGuire, and some references to the All Too Well 10 minute video! As always, let me know what you think!

The first time that Kelsey Ryan met Paolo Ricci was on a humanitarian trip to the Andaman Islands. She was freshly 20 years old and had already grown her business. Considered an early influencer to those on Instagram, the young traveler was flighty, excitable, and a romantic.

So when Paolo the Italian came rolling in, cute accent and straw hat on, she had fallen head over heels for the man. Never mind the fact that he was nearly ten years older than her, and never mind the fact that they really didn't know much about each other.

But three months together, an entire summer later, Kelsey was insistent upon the fact that she knew what love really was. Not that she had much prior experience to go off of.

Three months of summer—

Meeting in June. They danced on the beaches, sang together, laughed, and shared stories.

Dating in July. It was just a summer fling, it would be over in a blink. They both knew it.

Madly in love by August. Neither could imagine life without the other.

So when Paolo suggested that she come stay with him in Italy and do a whole segment on Italy, Kelsey didn't hesitate in accepting the invitation. Never mind the fact that both Uncle Pete and Ice were concerned about her life decisions.

Never mind the fact that she had ignored Bradley's calls for weeks after her decision was made.

Now, standing in the hallway to his apartment, Kelsey felt trepidation and excitement. First the ridiculously long flight from California to Italy. Then came the train ride to Northern Italy.

And now she was here, where she was just barely learning the language (Thank you Google Translate and Duolingo). Moving her stuff inside was easy, and so was unpacking. Kelsey Ryan didn't have much that she had brought with her, beyond wardrobe and her camera.

Just a few keepsakes from home, but nothing much. Not even a family picture.

Paolo cooked in the kitchen, preparing his latest recipe. As a chef, he took great pride in his work and learning about food from other cultures.

With the savory smells filling the air, Kelsey felt right at home.


In all honesty, she didn't see Paolo that much. He worked a lot, and when he wasn't working, he was drinking with his friends. Still, Kelsey didn't mind. She didn't have to pay rent and was learning all about Italy from the natives.

Still, at times it was lonely. Standing in the streets of Rome, red scarf around her neck and hands in her pocket, she watched as her coin sunk into the Trevi Fountain. A second one, for good measure was on her mind.

Pulling the coin from her bag, she tossed it in. An old woman grinned at her. "Looking for romance?" She asked.

Kelsey's gaze narrowed. "Romance?" She asked curiously.

"American, of course," the woman replied in a toothy way. "You throw one in for a return to Rome and a second one in for romance. Perhaps the gods will bless you."

"I have a boyfriend." Kelsey insisted.

"I do not see him with you." The woman pointed out.

Kelsey couldn't exactly argue with that. He hadn't really made time for her outside of special occasions, usually Sunday afternoons, if he had the time. And for all of this, Kelsey hadn't made any friends here in Italy.

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