Chapter 21: Brad-Brad The Wreck

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A/N: An early update since I'm getting ready to head back to school this week :) as always, let me know what you think!

It was nearly midnight when the text came through. Bradley Bradshaw had been in the process of brushing his teeth when he nearly dropped the toothbrush—shock just running through him.

Almost immediately, he wasn't sure how to feel. It had been literal years. Occasionally, he'd hear something from Sarah Kazansky about how his little sister was doing—but it admittedly wasn't all that often.

In fact, last he had heard about his baby sister, she had gotten engaged. Nothing from her in a while. Nothing about said mysterious fianceé or even if she was alive.

And now, back in California—back at Top Gun—she had sent the text and now he was sitting there trying (in vain, might he add) to process the entire thing.

Hey Brad, it's been awhile...I just wanted to check in with you. You've been on my mind lately and I hope things are going okay! Love you!


For a moment, he just stared in surprise and shock at even the nickname Duckie. New phone number—and she had just randomly reached out. He could scarcely breathe, eyes wide at the sight of the text.

Was she—was she okay? Wouldn't he know if she wasn't? Would Mav even call to tell him if something had happened?

Grabbing his phone, he began typing a reply—only to delete the entire thing and stare at the blank screen. It was too late for this tonight—and he wasn't sure he'd be able to sleep now anyways.

Exhaustion and mind racing, the combination drove Bradley straight to bed. He set the phone down on the table and plugged it in. Yeah, he'd respond in the morning for sure. That was a tomorrow Bradley Bradshaw problem.

It would be fine. What was the worst that could happen?


Read 12:37

It stared ominously back at her and Kelsey just let out a groan, ducking her head back into the pillow and muffling a scream. After waking up initially and making breakfast with Jake, Kelsey had returned to bed.

She had the capability to get up when she needed to—but that didn't mean she had to like early mornings. Especially early mornings where she had doctor's appointments and that always left her more nervous than normal.

It was silent through the house as she padded down the stairs and into the kitchen, stopping to get some water from the fridge. The sun was already up and shining and Kelsey was quick to set some music on.

The simple fact of the matter was that she hated silence. There were moments when it was alright and needed and altogether necessary of course. But houses weren't meant to be silent—not in her opinion anyway.

Growing up, her house had never really been quiet. There had always been some sort of music—whether it be from Carole's singing or from Bradley playing the piano. And then when Brad started doing sports, he always had friends over.

And most nights ended in phone calls to one of her many aunts or uncles—honorary and real family altogether.

Sometimes it was a strange thing, thinking about the fact that she would be a pilot's wife. Just like her mom. That if she had children, they would grow up with Jake on tour or off flying and doing some death-defying stunts.

She wasn't sure how she felt about being the life and soul of the party then. The bridge that existed to keep things together. To keep things connected.

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