"The wallflower"

60 14 3

6. June 2015


The wallflower

A single flower grew there alone,
Of a beautiful, blueish-colored tone,
All of it's life, people ignored,
And the others soon got bored.

So it found the right place,
On an old worn-out prick-wall,
With just the right amount of space,
Back then, it was still so small.

But time flew by, the roots became stronger,
Every day the stalk got longer,
The petals shimmered in the sunlight,
It's grass-green leafs, they shone so bright.

It had seen many bad storms,
Extreme heat and even worms,
That had tried to eat it alive,
But it had the strong will to survive.

Two years later I came back,
My feet followed the old track.

I expected it, to be long gone,
Gladly, I noticed a fragile spawn,
That replaced the old flower,
I was sure, it'd gain more power.

And where all the others once had stood,
Was now a stack of firewood.

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