"Sweet oblivion"

51 11 12

24.August 2015

Sweet oblivion

Isn't it sad, that people forget?
They press a red button, that's made for reset,
And suddenly everything fades,
Through the river of memories their mind wades,
Sometimes they come back like a flashing spark,
And for a split second they align the unraveled dark.

When oblivion turns into reality,
And eternity turns into dust,
You become aware of your mortality,
Try to taste the sweetness of life, but you just nibble at the crust.

So in the end, you won't remember the taste,
And all those collected memories will go to waste,
But sometimes you'll have these sweet sensations,
Where you almost sense them, those delicious nations.

These are the moments to live for,
We live to stay in others thoughts,
But we should remember, that once near the shore,
Our ships of life will enter the ports.

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