
45 11 7

18. July 2015


I laid awake in bed all night,
I tried to sleep calmly, but I thought about you,
Until sunrise sent a ray of daylight,
You always put yourself at the end of the queue.

The beginning of a new day, a new self,
Life always brings change,
But you can't seem to see your inner wealth,
Nobility comes in a wide range.

It's easy to say 'I believe in you' when you don't mean this phrase,
But everytime I'll tell you this,you can be sure of my honesty,
One day you'll make it to the crossroad with million ways,
You'll choose your personal one, and balance out your modesty. 

You will have to cut down the jungle in your head,
To find your path, watch the sunlight and allow it to spread.

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