"The dearest embrace"

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28.June 2015
This is the most personal poem, I've written so far,
If you enjoyed it, just click at the star.
-Ummm, that rhymed! ;)

Dedicated to a really precious person.

The dearest embrace

Together we stood, heart to heart,
My hands around your neck,
Your hands around my back,
You slowly started to fall apart.

You believed the mirror told lies,
But your mind thought wrong,
Cause beauty doesn't come in size,
I knew, you felt everything but strong.

That's why I wrote you a song for your birthday,
To listen to, when life was a hunter,
and you felt like it's prey.

And I remember, we both broke into tears,
You sobbed and cried, told all your fears,
We were so close, yet worlds apart,
Waiting for lifes new, refreshing start.

And when I think back I begin to smile,
Because I know what you have reached,
Life, let us be children for an infinite while,
It went on, but still we are one, just  like I preached.

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