Chapter 36

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Hazan heard the incessant beeping sound and rushed towards the section of the house where Mr. Hazim is treated. Ece has gone for the baby's doctor appointment with her mother and only herself and the nurse were in the house. The nurse looked panicked and almost all the monitors were making sounds.

"What is wrong?" Hazan asked, panicking herself. Mr. Hazim looked very pale and his usually half opened eyes were tightly closed.

" His pressure is dropping alarmingly Miss. It is not good. Not stabilizing at all" The nurse says and Hazan can see that she is trying to stay calm, but is very much worried.

"Should we take him to the hospital? Or ask the doctor to visit?" Hazan asks praying that nothing is terribly wrong with Mr. Hazim.

"I already called Miss" the nurse says and as if on cue Hazan hears the sirens of the ambulance at the gate. She felt as if she is operating out of her body as she watched the paramedics immediately carry Mr. Hazim, monitors and all to the ambulance, a hollow cold feeling creeping up her spine. 

She doesn't think twice of accompanying them, having straightened up her hair and throwing on a thick coat over her jeans and the top. Hazan knew that if Ece was there, she would have accompanied them.

 Pacing the corridor of the intensive care of the hospital, Hazan felt so many déjà vu feelings, which were not pleasant at all. How they mistakenly thought Mr. Hazim was dead and the terrible time following Sinan's accident, specially when they were all waiting outside a similar intensive care unit, hoping for good news. 

Hazim was immediately put on life support upon arrival and the prognosis was not the least bit positive. For the tenth time, Hazan cursed herself for having left her mobile at home. She had grabbed her bag whilst rushing out of the house, but her mobile had been lying on the kitchen counter. 

The nurse had informed Ece, who is sending Ozgur home with her mother and coming there directly. Hazan had a feeling that Yagiz should be informed immediately, but did not dare fussing about it until Ece arrived. Gokhan was also summoned immediately by the nurse and was inside talking to the doctor. She kept on her frantic phasing, not caring that she was appearing as a mad woman to the onlookers. 

Damn she wanted to talk to Yagiz. She knows that despite his non caring act, he really did love his father and was worried about him. She knew that Yagiz had been contributing to his medical expenses as well. Hazan abruptly halts as the sliding door opens and Gokhan walks out. His face confirms what she feared since the moment she walked in to the hospital. Gokhan walks upto her, his face somber.

"Is it very bad? Was there anything lacking in the care given to him?" Hazan only noticed Ece, when she spoke up hesitantly, tearfully. Hazan immediately feels very bad for her sister. She had been absolutely devoted to take care of Mr. Hazim, even to the point that sometimes her own infant was neglected.

" It is not looking good. As you know Ece, he never fully recovered from the stroke. What we were doing kept him going, but nothing was getting better actually. It is nobody's fault. The doctor was always telling me how another family would have given up long time back. " Gokhan says kindly, though he looks forlorn and defeated. Ece moves away wiping her tears and Hazan lays a hesitant arm on his hand.

" Gokhan, we need to tell Yagiz.. I forgot my phone at home" Hazan says softly and Gokhan nods.

" I called him" he says and looks at her inquiringly.

" What did he say?" Hazan asks, afraid what his look means.

" He sounded pretty bad. Listened to what I had to say and just disconnected the line" Hazan feels hot and cold all over. 

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