Chapter 40

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Hazan woke up with sunlight on her face, so it is not possible that she was in her own room. The surrounding sleek black and blue interior and the huge king sized bed further confirmed it. Despite feeling a little bit sleepy still, she knew instantly where she was. Of course she was in Yagiz's room, which she is seeing for the first time, despite living in the same house for closer to one year. But she was not keen to look at it properly and register all the details, as yet. It was obviously huge and was designed with understated luxury. But she surely had better things to focus on. There was no confusion whatsoever about how she got there or what happened last night. 

Hazan could not help blushing furiously, although she felt, rather than saw that Yagiz was not beside her on the bed. All the signs were there that he was next to her though, she didn't know what to make out of it, whether it was good or bad that he was no longer on the bed. 

Hazan willed memories of the night to calm down inside her head. Yes they have finally consummated their marriage expressing their love for each other freely and oh what it felt like. Hazan bit her lip as a smile threatened to spill across her face. But she immediately sobered when she remembered that their problems were far from over. 

Last night solved nothing. It is obvious that Yagiz was physically affected by her, judging by the way he had behaved with her throughout past few months. Last night he had been aggressive, loving, tender and almost absolutely silent about anything else other than making love. There was hardly any time or presence of mind to talk anything coherent, apart from whispered endearments and one word responses. 

If there is anything Hazan has learnt was that physical part of a relationship was the easiest part to handle, though it took them ages to achieve even that. They had many minefields to cross and she has to make a decision about her accommodation. 

Accommodation! Shit... Hazan almost jumped from the bed. Oh god, she had absolutely forgotten to tell Hazel that she was not coming. She must have waited for her to turn up and god knows what she did afterwards, Hazan thinks, praying that Hazel didn't call police because she has not been contactable for what? 12 hours? Hazan glance at the simple cube of a clock on the  bedside table and curse louder this time. 

Shit Shit, it was already 10 o clock and she had a shoot at 11.00 am. It was nothing much, being a Friday they have only planned to take four shots. But she had never been late or not turned up for work. Hazan search the room in vain for her phone and only find few scattered items of her cloths. She does not dwell on the absence of her t shirt too much and pulls on a black t shirt that was lying on the bedside chair, the only item of disarray in the clinically neat room. 

It smells so overwhelmingly of Yagiz that she almost trips over the few steps that leads her downstairs. She runs down on a crazy sprint towards her room until she spots Yagiz in the kitchen, laying the table and stops in a dead stance.

"Was there a cockroach in the room?" He asks in a quiet voice. But she sees some mischief dancing in his eyes. Hazan looks at him as if he is talking in Latin, zeroing only on the cockroach word. She absolutely hates them.

"W..what? Where?" she stammers and Yagiz eyes seem to be getting brighter.

" You came running down so fast.. " he says as an explanation, walking up to her quietly, like a panther stalking its pray. Hazan gulps and swallows hard. Why was she running again? Ah ok, Hezal and the shoot.

" Hezal. Wanted to call. She must be worried" Hazan stammers disjointed words. After last night his proximity is unbearable. She resists the urge to throw herself into his arms, momentarily forgetting her worries about office. Now his eyes are positively dancing, but his face is still serious.

" Ah unlike you, I had the presence of mind to call her last night" he says his voice dripping with honey, slightly mocking her. Hazan feels herself blushing even a darker shade of red , if that was possible. Oh my god, what did he just say? Didn't he just effectively call her a sex crazed woman? She was cobbling together a smart response in her head when she remembers the shoot.

" Oh thank you. But I must run I have a shoot in half an hour" She says wildly and would have taken off in her interrupted run if Yagiz did not lightly grab her by the shoulder.

" Oh I called them in the morning. That is taken care of. Now come and eat something before you break your neck running " Hazan looks upto his eyes and sees that he is barely suppressing his laughter. Wait, why is he laughing and looks so pleased with himself?

"What do you mean taken care of? What did you tell them? She asks, suspicion dripping from her voice. Yagiz shrugs his shoulders and guide her towards the table, which is laid with waffles and eggs and butter and many other dishes which Hazan is too keyed up to take note of.

"Yagiz" Hazan says in reprimanding voice and he looks up at her, midway fiddling with his coffee machine. He is finally sporting a slight apprehensive smile, whilst his eyes are still dancing with mischief.

" I told them that you will not be coming in today and will be reporting back to work on Monday only" he says nonchalantly and place a steaming cup of coffee infront of her. It is obvious that now he is trying hard not to burst out laughing.

"What did you tell them Yagiz" Hazan asks in a deadly whisper and Yagiz's brows shoot up in response. He swiftly takes the steaming coffee cup away from her reach, may be as precaution and looks around as if to check whether there are any other dangerous items lying around.

"I called them and told them that you are having a severe case of diarrhea and in no shape to report to work. Probably what you ate in the flight" He finally cracks a huge smile and for a moment Hazan forgets her outrage momentarily. She has never seen him smile so huge, certainly not within the last one year, if ever. He looks so carefree and genuinely happy, light headed and so damn handsome. Yagiz looks at her in apprehension and Hazan suddenly remembers what he has done.

"Oh Yagiz you idiot" she says heatedly but her voice cracks in the end as she is overtaken by fits of laughter. They laugh and laugh until tears come out of their eyes and until it dies down and the kitchen is enveloped in a tensed silence . Yagiz stares into her eyes, full of warmth and Hazan is sure that her heart beat can be head in the corridor outside.

"Hazan" he says slowly and she feels like her heart is about to burst out of her body.

"Yagiz..." she murmurs softly and Yagiz bends down and capture her lips softly with his own, sighing contentedly against her mouth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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