Chapter 2: Progression

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The boy had black hair unkempt at the front, red eyes and a light build as he seemed way shorter than average as he wore a black jacket with a white undershit as well as a belt over black pants and black shoes.

Initially, silence was all that followed as the two girls could only keep quiet and just stare at what had just boarded the ship in front of them.

Now the fact that it was a male wasn't what kept them quiet because they obviously knew males did indeed work and have jobs.

What shocked the two was the fact that these types of mission were dangerous due to the risk of normal humans being contaminated with the deadly Honkai disease/virus should they come into contact with the beasts.

Only Valkyries such as Kiana and Mei were specifically trained to be highly strong against the Honkai infecting them so they could take on the beasts themselves without repercussions.

To know that this boy was simply just a merc and not a Valkyrie meant that either he was somehow strong against the Honkai Virus in a different way compared to them or he wasn't and was just pratically signing his death warrant.

After the initial silence, it was the merc who broke it first as he began to speak.

"Um, hold on." He said before fumbling around in his jacket's pocket before pulling out a paper. "Are you two, Kiana Kaslana and Mei Raiden? Valkyries of St. Freya High?"

Knowing Kiana would most likely tell him to leave, Mei took charge and initiated the conversation.

"Y-Yes we are. I'm Mei Raiden and the girl next to me is Kiana Kaslana. We're indeed Valkyries from St. Freya. May I ask who you are?" Asked Mei hoping to gain a positive introduction out of this.

"Oh sorry. Nice to meet you two Ms. Raiden and Ms. Kaslana." He said bowing a bit. "My name's Alex Mustang." Said the boy calmly revealing his name.

"Hey shrimpy! Why are you here!? You're interrupting my precious time with Mei Senpai!" Shouted Kiana.

"K-Kiana! Please don't be rude! Major Himeko said we needed to treat him nicely!" Said Mei in a panic.

Alex though was just confused at Kiana's claim as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

"Was I, interrupting something? I apologize if I was but it's like your major said. I was brought in as a last minute addition so it was now or never for my arrival." Replied Alex, though Kiana simply ignored his response as Mei just sighed.

"S-So, uh, you say you're mercenary Alex? My apologies but, you seem quite young to be one." Stated Mei.

"Hm? Oh yeah you're right. He looks close to Bratnya's age." Said Kiana.

"If I look young it's cause I am. I'm thirteen." Casually said Alex which got a shocked reaction from the two.

"T-Thirteen? Isn't that, a bit too young to be working as a mercenary?" Said Mei.

"So you're saying that Aunt Himeko brought a kid along with us!?" Shouted Kiana.

"You say that yet the current strongest Valkyrie right now is only sixteen. Just three years older than me." Said Alex.

"Y-You do make a valid point. Anyways I hope we got along for this mission. Right Kiana?" Asked Mei as she turned to the white haired girl with an expression that made said girl tense up a bit.

"F-Fine. I hope we get along or whatever." Begrudgingly said Kiana but Alex merely shrugged their responses.

"Listen you two no need to get chummy. For me it's as simple as this. This is a one time gig for me. Once it's done, we're done." Said Alex clearly affirming that he himself had no interest in helping out afterwards.

Honkai Impact: Merc's InvolvementWhere stories live. Discover now