Chapter 21: Warning Shot

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The controlled Bronya ceased her blast as she stopped aiming at the pinned Alex and turned back around to face Kiana, standing back in front of the captured Mei.

Kiana aimed both her hand guns at the controlled Bronya as she just stood up.

Immediately, the intercom came back on as yet again Cocolia's voice spoke through it.

"Well well well. If it isn't St. Freya's Kiana Kaslana. I'm not suprised to see you here first." She said.

"Yeah yeah can it. You better stop all of this and give me back Mei!" Demanded the white haired girl as Cocolia sighed.

"You all just don't recognize the true value of a Herrscher. What I'm doing is the best for humanity. Once we figure out how Herrschers can control natural powers, human technology will be advanced by multiple country miles." Explained Cocolia.

"Oh yeah right! That's just a way to mask the fact that you had your men kill two innocent people to achieve all that!" Shouted Alex at her.

"Enough! I'm taking Mei back by force!" Said Kiana, but the moment she tried to take a step foward, the controlled Bronya immediately aimed Project Bunny's cannon back at Alex as it quickly reached max charge, just needing Bronya to release it for Alex's death.

"Sorry girly but you aren't getting any closer to the Herrscher. Take one more step, and say goodbye to your friend over there." Said Cocolia referring to Alex being aimed at.

"W-What!? That's not fair at all!" Complained Kiana as she looked back and forth between Mei and Alex.

"Kiana! Forget about me! Go get Mei and run outta here!" Shouted Alex at the girl.

"W-What!? Your crazy I can't do that! I want all of us out of here together! I'm not leaving anyone behind!" Said Kiana.

"Kiana read the room! Only one of us is getting out of here alive! Take Mei!"

"Hurry up and make a choice girl or else no one is leaving this room alive!" Shouted Cocolia, getting irritated at the bickering.

A decision couldn't even be made as the controlled Bronya dropped her arm, cancelling Project Bunny's charge shot.

"B-Bronya?" Asked both Alex and Kiana in unison as Cocolia was in shock.

"Bronya!? What're you doing!?" She asked.

Suddenly as if she was somehow back in control, she began to speak.

"When the Bronya was little, her parents left this world. The Bronya always saw Cocolia as her mother, but later Bronya met Mei, who was so kind to Bronya. The Bronya doesn't want to hurt Mei. I'm sorry Matushka, but the Bronya won't fight. The Bronya refuses to kill Subject Alex." She said.

Alex and Kiana were in complete shock while Cocolia was in major disbelief at what she was hearing.

"What!? Bronya! Do you dare defy me!? The one who gave you shelter your entire life!?" Asked Cocolia.

Bronya simply smiled as she looked at Alex for a bit.

"It's like Subject Alex said. The Bronya has grown up and moved past Matushka." She said for looking back at Kiana. "Kiana. Free Alex, take Mei, and go." She said.

The two didn't even know what to say, until Bronya dropped a bombshell on them.

"The Bronya, has burned her micro chip to ashes."

"W-What!?/W-Wait Bronya don't!" Said Kiana and Alex respectively.

Even Cocolia was shocked by this.

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