Chapter 18:Break In

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'Separate right from wrong. Right, from wrong.'

Those were the words on repeat in Alex's head as he was blazing through the mostly empty streets from Arc City as it was already past midnight.

Currently he was taking the path that lead him towards Anti-Entropy's base, well more accurately the path that led him the closest to AE's base.

Obviously with it being a highly private base, security was tight around there.

Thankfully with his numerous jobs that's he's done for AE, Alex was able to map out a layout of a couple of secret entrances that led into the base's outskirts.

As Alex continued there was just one lingering thought on his mind.

'Even though I'm coming back to help, would they still even trust me?' He thought to himself before he shrugged it off. 'Ugh forget it. I'm going to help not get their trust back. Once that's done, then I'm finally done with them.'

With that out of the way, he continued to drive down the road.


They don't know how they did it, but they managed to get in as now all that stood ahead of them was AE Corp's main building.

"There it is Kiana, the main building. Ready to bust in?" Asked Theresa.

"Oh you bet! Wait, why're you in charge? And where's Aunt Himeko?" Asked Kiana before receiving pinch from the girl herself.

"I heard that, young lady. I won't let you off that easily if I hear that again." She sternly said. "Anyways, right now we're in highly hostile territory. Obviously I had to come along. If you went alone, let's just say there would've been no corpse to recover."

"I'm coming along as well. Don't forget that three of us make a complete lineup." Said Theresa.

"Really!? I can't thank you two enough!" Said Kiana as her eyes lit up in joy.

"Anyways we're done with idle chit chat. Let's get into the actual conversation now." Said Himeko as the two turned towards Theresa.

"Right. Our intel department confirmed the following for us. Mei, Bronya, and Wendy, who were all captured by Anti-Entropy, are all being imprisoned in there." Said Theresa as she pointed to the tall building ahead of them.

"AE's main headquarters. Unfortunately, Schicksal isn't ready to declare war on AE at the moment. Either way, we're only here for one goal. Storm the place and rescue our Valkyries. We'll definitely be causing a stir so try not to go overboard when we're inside, or outside for starters. We gotta scout the area and find an entrance so keep a look out for guards." Explained Theresa.

"Understood!" Was all Kiana had to say as she immediately walked on ahead.

"So Theresa, do you still think there's a chance?" Asked Himeko.

"Hm? Chance for what?" Theresa said as Himeko just looked at her, causing Theresa to sigh meaning that she knew what Himeko meant.

"At this point whether it does happen or not, it won't change the goal. I will ensure that this mission is a success. I will get my Valkyries back one way or another." Said a determined Theresa as Himeko chuckled.

"Been a while since I heard you this pumped up short stack. Come on. Who knows what Kiana can do if she goes to far out front by herself." Said Himeko as the two nodded and quickly moved ahead to catch up with Kiana.

Once the two were caught up with the twin tailed girl, they began to scout the large perimeter looking for an entrance to sneak into.

Minutes however began tick away more and more as everywhere they looked, not only was an entrance not found, but they also kept encountering large patrol groups on guard.

After even more time spent and close encounters with patrol groups, the three girls were at their breaking point.

"All this time and we still haven't found an entrance." Somberly said Theresa.

"The longer we spend frolicking around here, the more likely AE is to finding our location. At this point it's best to just retreat and try our luck next time." Said Himeko which Kiana immediately rejected.

"Like hell we're falling back now! If it comes down to that then I'll go in solo and rescue Mei myself!" Said Kiana.

"Kiana. Being hot headed won't make the current situation any better. If anything it'd make it worse." She said.

The three were at a loss and to make matters worse, they turned to see a squadron of guards approach them.

"Intruders spotted! Call in back up now!" Said one of the guards as they all pointed their firearms at them.

"You three girls are hereby ordered to leave the premises immediately or face severe consequences!" Said another guard.

"Great. So much for not trying to draw attention." Said Himeko as she groaned in annoyance.

The three girls all got into a fighting stance, all prepared to try and take out the Squadron as swiftly as possible.

"Hm? Hey wait a minute. Girls do you hear that?" Asked Himeko as the sound of a vehicle that was faint was slowly coming closer and closer.

"Ah yes! The back up is right on tim-!" Right as the guard was about to finish speaking, he suddenly got rammed into and got knocked away as shocking to the girls, with the exception of Himeko who simply had a smirk on her face, in front of them was non other than Alex who had spun his motorcycle around and parked sideways in front of them as he revved his engine, intimidating the guards.

"Alright everyone listen up! Either back away and don't tell a soul or get ran over! Your choice!" Shouted Alex, revving his engine even more.

At this point the remaining guards were easily scared away as they all ran off in panic.

Once the dust settled Alex looked back at the three girls before focusing on Kiana.

"Before you shout at me for coming back, save it for the bike ride. Get on. I know this area pretty well and I got an entrance found." Said Alex.

He scooted as far forward on the seat as Kiana got behind him with Himeko behind her with and Theresa having no other choice but to ride on top of Himeko's shoulders.

Once they were all on, Alex began to drive towards the direction of the entrance he had spotted earlier.

"Listen I'll make it brief. I'm still going back to my daily life after this, but I realized that I was wrong for just walking out on you guys. So, consider this as me doing one final job for you guys. We're all gonna bust some heads in there and rescue both Mei and Bronya." Said Alex.

Eventually they arrived as Alex drove up to the entrance and parked the bike as they all got off.

"Hey wait. This requires a password." Said Theresa as she pointed at keypad.

"Like I said. We're gonna bust some heads, starting now!" Shouted Alex as he smashed the keypad, automatically opening the doors as the group of four began their invasion.


Chapter 18: Complete

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