Chapter 27: Situation at Hand

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Siegfried had been minding his own business until he saw Theresa in the distance as he smiled.

Eventually Theresa and the two others made it to the area as Siegfried waved at and saluted Theresa.

"Yo Theresa! Glad to see that you've finally arrived. I heard from reports that you had gotten into an encounter with the 2nd Herrscher. Gotta say, I was definitely worried sick for your well being." Said Siegfried as Theresa sighed and merely gave a smirk.

"Of course I'd be fine. I don't need a pervert like you worrying all about me." She said in a playful manner.

"Alright alright I understand." Said Siegfried before he noticed Kiana standing there as he grew a smirk and approached her.

"Well well. Hey Theresa, who's this beautiful young lady at your side, if I may ask?" Asked Siegfried as he placed a hand on Kiana's shoulder. "Say young lady, why don't we go and get drinks together? My treat."

As that happened, Theresa sighed, Kiana grew an awkward smile, and Alex simply cringed and facepalm at the sight.

'Christ. This man is such a sleezebag that he's literally trying to hit on his future daughter.' Thought Alex to himself.

Before Kiana could answer, Siegfried then noticed Alex.

"Hm? And who's this little guy? Friend of yours?" Asked Siegfried.

Kiana then immediately got an idea as she grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him close to her as she quickly wrapped her arm and his as Alex was caught off guard by this.

"A-Actually I'm already taken by this little guy! H-He's my boyfriend!" Said Kiana in panic with a blush as Alex looked at her with shock while also having a blush albeit not as much as Kiana's.

"Aww is that so?" Asked Siegfried in disappointment before shrugging it off. "Anyways, what's your name little guy?"

Now it was Alex's turn to panic as he did not expect Kiana to suddenly thrust him into their conversation.

"M-My name!? M-My name is, uh, u-um, A-Alex Mustang!" Spat out Alex in a hurry up.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Alex!" Happily said Siegfried.

"U-Um, Mr. Kaslana. Mind if I have a minute to talk to my, g-girlfriend in private?" Asked Alex.

After Siegfried nodded Alex immediately pulled Kiana to where they were far enough to not be heard but close enough to be seen.

"What the hell was all that for!?" Asked Alex.

"H-Hey don't get mad at me! Don't you realize how creepy it is for a father to be hitting on his future daughter!? I needed a way to end it and lying that you were my boyfriend was the easiest option!" Said Kiana.

"Was it seriously the only option!? Couldn't you have come up with anything else!?" Said Alex with a tone of annoyance.

"Look, what's happened has already happened. Let's just go along with it." Said Kiana.

Alex begrudgingly accepted as the two walked back to where Siegfried and Theresa were as Theresa smiled and immediately looked at Siegfried with a stern expression.

"Alright then. Hurry up and inform us on what the heck is going on! You've wasted enough of our time Siegfried." Sternly said Theresa.

Siegfried sighed as he sat on a crate that was next to the machine, putting his hands together as he sighed.

"Well I'll put bluntly. There's bad news, and then there's very bad news. The bad news is that a Valkyrie team has already been dispatched to look for the 2nd Herrscher, but unfortunately nothing has been found yet." Said Siegfried.

He then went silent for a bit, before looking up at the group of three with a serious look.

"The very bad news, is that since our search has been unsuccessful, Bishop Otto has given the green light and has ordered Cecilia to arrive in Siberia and join the war." Said Siegfried which shocked Theresa.

"W-What? B-But, Cecilia's condition! She isn't ready to go into battle yet!" Said Theresa.

Siegfried's sour expression then turned into a smirk as he chuckled a bit.

"Don't worry. Just because Cecilia is on her way here doesn't technically mean that she's gonna be involved in the war. Listen up you three." Said Siegfried as he stood back up.

"We got 30 minutes before Cecilia arrives here in Siberia. During those 30 minutes, we'll find and eliminate the 2nd Herrscher. That way, the war will end without Cecilia being involved." He said as then the machine behind him gave a beep as a red screen on the machine showed a map of the area meaning the machine was a large tracking device.

"Hah. Looks like the gods haven't abandoned us just yet." Said Siegfried as on the screen's map, two large area were marked with squares as a live speaker began to talk.

"Reporting in. We've received a transmission from the Valkyries in Zone O-23 and Zone O-17. They're all found traces of the 2nd Herrscher in both areas." Said the speaker as they all began to take in the information.

"Hmm. Are they trying to split up our forces?" Asked Theresa.

"We don't have any other choices." Said Siegfried as he turned to face the group, and then pointed at Alex.

"Mr. Alex Mustang, you'll be accompanying me to Zone O-23. As for you two girls, you both will be going to Zone O-17. Whoever finds the target will have permission to attack on sight." Said Siegfried.

"Actually, Kiana. You and Alex should stay here to prioritize your safety." Said Theresa which then caught Siegfried off guard.

"Hm? Did you just say her name was Kiana?" Asked Siegfried.

"Yeah. My name's Kiana. Sorry about having the same name as your daughter. Anyways, I won't be staying here. I wanna help out." Said Kiana with confidence.

"Well, if Kiana is willing to participate in the fight, then I might as well offer a helping hand too." Said Alex with a smile.

Before Theresa could protest their involvement Siegfried stopped her from speaking as he looked at the two with a smile.

"I'll allow it. Judging from the look in both of their eyes, I can tell that they're great warriors. Theresa, please let Kiana accompany you and please let Alex accompany me." Said Siegfried as Theresa sighed, accepting the two's involvement.

"Oh right. One more thing." Said Kiana as she walked up to Siegfried before suddenly slapping the man hard on the side of the face which caught Alex off guard with shock while Theresa merely chuckled with glee at the sight.

"H-Hm!?" Said Siegfried as he looked at Kiana in shock as Kiana simply gave a smirk that oozed tons of confidence.

"Hmph, just you wait. Once I defeat the 2nd Herrscher, I'll teach you a good lesson you little...I-I mean Siegfried, Siegfried Kaslana!" Shouted Kiana.

Though he was shocked, Siegfried quickly grew a smile as he chuckled a bit.

"I like the energy you got young lady! Anyways, let's hurry up and go to our locations!" Said Siegfried.

"Right!" Said the group of three as they then split up in two groups, as Alex and Siegfried ran to their location with Kiana and Theresa going to theirs.


Chapter 27: Complete

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