Chapter 14: Disaster

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"Alex! Change of plans you need to hurry there now! The girls are being attacked!"

When those words were heard, Alex was sent into overdrive as he immediately began to run as fast as he could to their location.

"Mind teling me what's going on so I ain't running into this completely blind?" Asked Alex while rushing.

"The Gem was located inside of a girl named Wendy. Once she was found, we had the three girls escort her to where you'd pick them up. Just now the Gem began to increase in Honkai Energy. Now the girls are all being attacked by Wendy who's become a Herrscher."

When Alex heard Himeko say the word Herrscher, that's when he realized this went from a serious attack to a potentially fatal one.

"Say no more! I get the situation now!" Shouted Alex.

He immediately began to pick up the pace and started running as fast as he could, not even considering to slow down even if he got tired.

As he kept running, somehow on instinct alone Alex at the last second had jumped back as he looked around to see a lance pierced into the ground, as it had caused cracks in the ground as well as a fire burning around it.

Right as that happened, he got a word from Himeko.

"Alex watch out! At the current pace your going your gonna end up coming into contact with an S-Rank Valkyrie that the European HQ sent to bring the Herrscher in!" Shouted Himeko.

"Well, you're a little late on that Major Himeko. It seems like I've already ran into them" Said Alex as he chucked a bit as he looked and saw the person who threw the lance at him, as they picked it up and stood in front of him, revealing themselves to be a girl.

 It seems like I've already ran into them" Said Alex as he chucked a bit as he looked and saw the person who threw the lance at him, as they picked it up and stood in front of him, revealing themselves to be a girl

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She had light blue eyes and strawberry blond hair that faded into a light pink at the end. She wore a tight black coat with teal streaks, a short cape, a black military hat, brown leggings, and a pair of dark boots.

"What're you doing out here? You know you're running straight into a Honkai infested area right?" Asked the blonde haired girl.

"Yeah I know. Mind answering why you just tried to impale my head a second ago?" Asked Alex.

"My apologies. I thought you were a Honkai Beast. Anyways, mind answering why you're here? This area should be off limits for civilians." Said the girl.

"Long story short, I'm a merc sent here by the Far East Branch." Said Alex.

"Merc? Far East Branch? Ah I see. You must be the mercenary that I've heard a lot about lately. Alex Mustang, correct?" Asked the girl.

"Yep. And I know who you are as well. Durandal. Not only are you an S-Rank Valkyrie, but you're also universally known and recognized as the strongest Valkyrie in the world." Said Alex.

"Well, glad to hear that we're familiar with each other." Said the girl now revealed to be Durandal. "If you're here Mr. Mustang, then I'm under the assumption that you also got word that a Herrscher has appeared here?"

"Yeah I-." before Alex could finish talking, he got another call from Himeko.

"Alex listen! You need to stall for time. The girls are trying to contain the Herrscher themselves and try to make peace with the girl. If you let Durandal on ahead, she'll contain the Herrscher and take her to the European HQ and who knows what they'll do to her. Please, stall for time. Convince her to leave it to us. Just do anything to help the girls." Said Himeko.

This made the situation more difficult for Alex.

"Well, my apologies Mr. Mustang but I'd appreciate it if you allow me to handle the Herrscher. Even with the skills you may possess, a Herrscher is out of your league." Said Durandal as she prepared to walk ahead.

"W-Wait!" Shouted Alex as she stopped walking.

"Mr. Mustang please. This is a serious case. Should the Herrscher cause any casualties you'll end up being blamed due to stalling my progress." Said Durandal.

"You're right but that won't happen. Please leave this to the Far East Branch! I promise we'll contain the Herrscher!" Shouted Alex as Durandal just sighed.

"While I appreciate your willingness to help Mr. Mustang, there's no logical reason that I'd leave this to a pair of novice A-Rank Valkyries and a mercenary. A Herrscher is an S-Rank Valkyrie's responsibility. Shouldn't we assure the best possible chance of success?" Asked Durandal.

"Y-Yes I get that but please! Those novice A-Rank valkyries are my comrades and I wanna go help them! I don't care what It'll take, but I assure you that we will contain the Herrscher!" Shouted Alex loudly as he bowed hoping that he'd change her mind.

After a moment of silence, he heard Durandal give another deep sigh.

"Gotta hand it to you Mr. Mustang. You definitely have the confidence. Fine. I'll let you and your comrades handle the Herrscher. I'll just report back to HQ that the Far East Branch got there before I could." Said Durandal.

Alex looked up and immediately thanked her before immediately running as fast as he could, hoping that he hadn't wasted too much time talking to Durandal.

"Major Himeko! I already convinced Durandal to leave it to us! We got all the time we need now!" Said Alex as he activated the ear piece.

"Thank you Alex. Now please hurry! They can't last much longer!" Shouted Himeko.

Alex continued to run along the path.

As he entered deeper into the Honkai infested area, he unsheathed his sword and immediately began to slash and tear his way through hordes of Honkai Beasts.

He was a man on a mission as he couldn't afford to waste a single second on these hordes.

One by one the hordes went down whether from severe slashes from his blade or being burnt up from fireballs emitted from said blade.

'Please. Please let me be on time!' Thought Alex to himself as even though he should be exhausted by now, adrenaline alone kept him going.

As Alex continued to run and tear down more Honkai hordes, he began to notice a large open grassy field in the distance.

'Bingo. They gotta be there.' He thought.

After slicing through the final pack of Honkai Beasts, Alex had a clear path to the field as he ran over there, hope beginning to come over him as he was prepared to see the three girls with a job well done.

When he finally arrived at the field, all he saw ahead of him was Kiana, on her knees alone in the field.

"Kiana!" Shouted Alex as he ran up to her as he kneeled down in front of her.

"Hey Kiana! Come on talk to me! What the hell happened here!? Where's the Herrscher. Where's Bronya and Mei?" He asked.

It took what felt like an eternity for Kiana to respond as she slowly looked up with tears in her eyes.

"B-Bronya turned on us, and helped the enemy capture and t-take away Wendy and Mei. Bronya l-left with Anti-Entropy."


Chapter 14: Complete

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