Chapter 15: Debriefing

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That was all Kiana had gave out as even after Alex continued to try to get more words out of her, she refused to speak.

Eventually, Alex looked around and saw that the commotion had been too much as Himeko had arrived at their location.

'Must've been one hell of a ride if she managed to get here in less that one day.' Thought Alex to himself as Himeko ran up to and approached him.

"Alex what happened here? Where are the others?" Asked Himeko.

Alex looked at her and then looked back at Kiana as he realized that at the moment, she was in no condition to talk.

'Whatever happened here has definitely shaken her up.' Thought Alex as he looked back up at Himeko.

"Let's head back to St. Freya first. Kiana isn't in the best condition right now. We should give her time before she talks about the whole situation." Said Alex.

Himeko sighed as she knew Alex was definitely correct on how to go about the current situation.

The two helped Kiana up as they all proceeded to make the trip back to the aircraft.

Once they arrived, they boarded it and made the day long trip back to the far east.

To say that the trip back was an eerily quiet one was an understatement.

No one, not a single person on the aircraft spoke a single word or even thought of speaking one.

Thankfully the quiet ride had finally docked at the port as Alex and Himeko immediately carried Kiana off and away to St. Freya's medical facility.

Once she was submitted in for treatment, Alex and Himeko both headed to the principal's office as the two entered the office.

"Thank goodness you two are back. So tell me what happened." Said Theresa.

"Sorry, but we can't at the moment." Said Himeko.

"Right now only Kiana knows what went down, however she's too distraught to even talk right at the moment. She's currently getting medical treatment as we speak. Once she's allowed to have visitors, then we'll go and find out what happened from her." Said Alex.

"I see. Alright then. Our medical staff are some of the best so we shouldn't have to wait for too much longer. Okay, you two are dismissed. Once I get word that they're allowing Kiana to have visitors, then we'll all head over there together." Said Theresa.

The two nodded and left the office, as Himeko immediately dragged Alex to a secluded area for a private chat.

"I don't know how you did it, but either way you could potentially be in serious trouble with Schicksal HQ." Said Himeko.

"How come?" Asked Alex.

"You prevented an S-Rank Valkyrie from completing their duties. Not only that, but as a result the Herrscher is now in the hands of Anti-Entropy, Schicksal's rival. If Durandal tells the Overseer what happened, then you could face serious trouble." Said Himeko.

"Don't worry. Durandal had my back. Before she left, she had stated that she'd say that the Far East Branch had gotten to the Herrscher before she did." Said Alex as Himeko sighed in relief.

"Thank god. You definitely owe her one for keeping your ass out of burning hot water." Stated Himeko.

"Yeah yeah I know." Said Alex before sighing. "Christ. To think this went from a simple airship heist to this." Said Alex.

"Oh calm down kid. We'll get through with this in a flash." Said Himeko.

"Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm I guess." Said Alex.

"Aww thank you. I might be growing on you now. Buh-Bye~." Playfully said Himeko with a wink as she walked off.

'To think she's an instructor here.' Thought Alex to himself as once Himeko had walked away far enough, Alex walked out of the secluded area and down the hall, looking through his phone's voicemails and text messages as all of them belonged to angry clients of his who had been asking for his services ever sicne he has finished his initial job with St. Freya.

The boy could merely sigh as he really couldn't do anything about it. Besides, it was the least of his worries as right now all he cared about at the moment was finding out from Kiana what had happened back in New Zealand.

Hours would pass by as the sun began to set. Theresa had gotten word that Kiana was now being allowed to have visitors so once that happened, she had immediately called Alex and Himeko to her office.

Once the two arrived, Theresa got off her chair as the three all looked and nodded at each other as they all began to head their way on over to St. Freya's medical facility.

Eventually they all arrived and were guided by a nurse down the halls as she lead them to and then stopped in front of Kiana's door as she slightly opened it and peeked her head in.

"Ms. Kaslana you have visitors." Said the nurse as she moved aside allowing for the three to walk in as Kiana went from a happy expression to a disappointed one.

"I really hoped I was being visited by Mei." Said Kiana somberly.

"Wow. Thanks for the welcome." Said Himeko as all three sat around her hospital bed.

"You're here because Himeko and I literally carried your ass the entire trip back so you're welcome for that." Said Alex before Theresa cleared her throat as she immediately went into business.

"Kiana, what happened in New Zealand?" She asked.

Kiana sighed and toom a moment to collect herself before she responded.

"Me, Mei, and Bronya had located the Gem of Desire within a wheelchair bound girl named Wendy. The gem was located within her calf due to an experiment that Schicksal had done on her to give her Herrscher grade powers. Unfortunately, she couldn't handle it. Because of that, she wound up losing the use of her legs. The gem had stabilized within her body over time so we were bringing her back to the Hyperion. Suddenly, the gem began to activate and give immense power as Wendy then transformed into a Herrscher."

"To think a gem that had stabilized for years would just suddenly activate out of the blue." Said Theresa.

"We proceeded to chase her down until we eventually reached and battled her in an open field. As the battle went on, a sudden voice began to speak as we were then surrounded by Anti-Entropy mechs that had been invisible. In an instant, the voice commanded the mechs to capture Wendy, which they did by knocking her down in one hit. The voice then commanded Bronya as she had turned into that same red and black form she was in back in the Selene. The voice ordered Bronya to capture Mei, so after knocking me down, she had knocked out and captured Mei. Before they could take me out, the voice noticed Schicksal troops approaching, so they left me there." Explained Kiana.

"So, this voice somehow made Bronya go hostile again, and currently holds the Gem of Desire along with Mei? Whoever this is, they clearly must be after the Gems." Said Himeko.

"Seems like it." Said Alex.

"Either way, once I'm released you can bet that I'll immediately head on over to Anti-Entropy and trash their entire base to get them back!" Said Kiana.

"Geez. Even when in the hospital you're still pumped up." Said Himeko with a sigh. "Alright then. Count me in. After all they hold two of my students." Said Himeko before looking at Alex.

"What about you kid? You in?" Asked Himeko.

Before Alex could respond, Theresa interjected in.

"U-Um, sorry but this is kinda bad timing." Said Theresa.

"Hm? How come Aunt Theresa?" Asked Kiana.

Theresa then took a deep breathe as she looked at Alex and spoke.

"Alex. I've already received the remaining half of your debt. You're now free to go."


Chapter 15: Complete

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