Chapter one.

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I was walking to the beach where I had asked Annabeth to meet me. After finally getting her mom's permission, I am going to propose to her! I am over joyed! When I got to the beach I saw to blonds making out. The guy was Zachary, the son of Morpheus. He was an egotistic brat. When he first got to camp, he killed a baby hellhound and then acted like the hero and tried to take my fame, but it is not like I liked my game, so I let him have it. He is so annoying. He is still trying to blame things on me. People are actually believing him though. Oh well. At least I still have Annabeth. I watched the couple then realized something. Princess blond curls, California tan skin. Annabeth. She-she is cheating on me. And she didn't talk me. Tears in my eyes I walked over to the couple.
"Annabeth. I loved you with all my heart. If you did not love me, you could have told me. Maybe if you told me and did not cheat on me, it wouldn't hurt so much, but it does. Because you didn't tell me. So, tonight I was going to propose to you but I guess I can't. So have a nice life Annabeth Chase. Take care of her, Zachary Williams."
I sulked away from them, unaware of the the storm brewing over the sea, or the hurricane swirling around me, or the twenty foot wave hovering above the couple, or angry naiads hitting the couple and swimming next to me. I was unaware of it all. I walked to Thalia's live tree. A minute later, Bruce, the other egotistic son of Morpheus, Zachary's twin, walked over to me. Some Haephastus kids picked me up and pinned me to the tree while Bruce casually sauntered over, twirling his dagger. He slashed at my chest, face, and arms. He carved words into my arms and initialed it. I didn't even flinch. He smirked the whole time and when he was done, I was so light and dizzy from blood loss, that he had no trouble kidnapping me. He picked me up and hauled me over his shoulder. Holding my legs.
-Flashback end-
And here I am. Chained to a wall in a cell in the Morpheus cabin. No one knows that I am here. Only Bruce, Zachary, and his gang. Apparently he works against us, because sometimes, when everyone is sleeping, he makes a portal, and let's all the beings that hate me, from Titan's to monsters, come and torture me. Tomorrow, they are going to send me to Tartarus. Again. I have been there fifteen times already, not including my fall with HER. They send me there once a month, supposedly, and I am sent back after a month. Though it feels like more because in Tartarus, time runs differently there. When they me to Tartarus, all the Primordials that hate me torture me. The Giants too. But I am planning my escape. I have been planning it forever. I will ditch this place early in the morning, when some of the camp is up, because once the camp sees me, THEY can not capture me again. Why? Don't know. But I overheard them talking about it. So I will free myself of these chains and go to my cabin. Then I will find a way to end my miserable life, in peace and alone.
No dreams bothered me last night and now I can escape. I hear the bustling of campers and decide that now is the time. The Morpheus kids would be out and about now,waiting for breakfast so that they can go back to sleep afterwards. I wait a minute to make sure then I try to break out of my chains. I am already in a weak state so it will be hard. Maybe I can vapor travel. I close my eyes and concentrate on making myself vapor. I feel my body slowly turning into vapor and reassembling itself. Finally, I open my eyes. Everyone is staring at me, because I am standing in the middle of the arena.
"Look. Is that Percy Jackson?"
"Yeah. I think so."
"It doesn't matter. He is a disgrace."
"He is a traitor."
"He is a thief."
"Why does he look like that?"
"Probably got in a fight with a little hellhound. He is just a weakling."
"Yeah. Bruce and Zachary are the real Saviors of Olympus."
I stand there. My head is spinning from all the nasty comments and blood loss. I start to run from the arena before I can collapse.
"Yes, Percy. Run. Run like the disgrace and weakling you are!" I hear Chiron shout.
That broke my heart. I keep running I pass by Nico.
"Percy? Percy? Buddy, are you okay? Why are you hurt? Why are you limping? Answer me! Percy? Percy?!" Nico calls out. But I just keep running past him. I almost make it to Thalia's tree. I just need a nap. Just a nap. But I stop. I see four figures. Titans. The ones that were going to drag me back to Tartarus. They are coming straight towards me. If I leave, they will hurt the camp. I put my face in my hands. What am I going to do? I need to fight them. I need to hurt them enough that they won't come back. I can't kill them. That would take a god. But I can hurt them. I slowly limp towards them. Once they see me, they grin.
"Ah, so the little hero has finally escaped huh?" Kronos said.
"Are you ready to go back to Tartarus?" Krios asked.
"Look. The little hero is scared and hurt." Oceanus said in a mocking tone.
"Join us, Perseus Jackson. We can destroy the gods. Look what they've done to help you these past two years? Nothing. They probably don't even know what is going on." Said Atlas. Yeah. Atlas got someone else to hold up the sky.
"T-t-two years?"
"Mmhm. Two years. Why?" Kronos asked. He sounded a bit concerned.
"Th-th-th-they s-said I w-was o-only p-prisoner f-for a f-few m-months."
"They did?" Kronos asked. I sadly nodded.
He called a group meeting. I stood there awkwardly. They grouped in a cicle and talked in a hush tone.
"Percy Jackson. We have decided to give you a chance to beat us. We will bless you and then you will try to beat us. If you beat us. We will go away and never return. We share on the River Styx and our lives."
Suddenly, they raised their hands and chanted in Ancient Greek. A ball of power formed in each one of their hands. Then they shot the orbs at me. Power suddenly surged through me. I grabbed a sword from one of them, because I did not have Riptide. Picked was wearing a tattered long shirt that they had made me wear like a hospital gown. I hacked, slashed, jabbed, dodged and rolled. I raised my hand and water formed the shape of my hand. I pummeled Oceanus and he disintegrated. I slowed down time and fought Kronos. I formed my own water sword and turned it to ice, indestructible. I slashed and hacked and dodged and rolled until I had defeated Kronos. I stabbed him in the heart and he turned to dust like Oceanus. I gathered light in my hands and shot it at Atlas, who crumbled to dust easily. Then I turned to Krios. How to defeat Light? With Darkness. I gathered light in my hands and poured all my hatred in it. With each nasty thought, it turned darker until it was so dark it would make Hades jealous. I shot it at Krios and he was unsuspecting, so he disintegrated. Tired, I slumped to the ground.
"And don't come back" I whispered. Then, when nobody was looking, I crawled back to camp and into my cabin, well nobody except Nico.
In my cabin I did not bother to change my clothes. I just climbed into bed and slept. I dreamed of nothing. I woke up. The sun streaming in from my window. I shut the blinds and sink to the ground crying. I stayed like that for ever, but pretty soon I heard Nico pounding on the door.
"Percy? Let me in! You've been in there for a week!"
"No. Go away Nico."
"Fine. But I will come back."
I get up and walk to the bathroom. I take the blade out of my razor, which I never needed to use, and cut my wrists. I cut my arms my legs, my ankles, just wishing to die. I sink to the floor and pass out. The last thing I hear is me screaming and the fountain in my cabin bursting, the water trying to heal me, but I push it away.
Nico POV:
Walking away from Percy's cabin, I hear a scream and shattering marble, or glass. I quickly shadow travel into his cabin to find Percy, out cold on the floor in a tattered long shirt and nothing else. He had scars, cuts, and bruises everywhere. There was blood on the walls and his marble fountain had shattered trying to heal him.
"WHAT THE HADES?!" I shout.
"Yes? Somebody call me?" My dad appears in the room.
When he sees Percy, he screams and flashes us to Olympus. We flash to the throne room.
"We need to call a council meeting." My dad says.
"No duh!" I say.
He slams his foot on the floor and there are thirteen flashes of light and all the gods appear in their thrones.
"Hades, brother, why have you called a meeting?" Zeus asks.
"My son!" Poseidon shouts
Poseidon runs over to Percy and shrinks into a human size form. He cradles Percy's head in his lap and tears flow down his face.
"What happened?" Whispered Poseidon. He was the first to get out of his shock.
"I can show you." A small voice is heard in the room and a rainbow appears.
"oh Iris,goddess of the rainbow, show my what happened to my son."
An Iris message looking thing appeared. It showed Percy getting cheated on by Annabeth. Percy getting captured by Morpheus's sons. Percy getting dragged back to Tartarus. More torture. Percy attacking the four Titans and actually killing them, and getting blessed by them. It showed Percy in his room and Percy cutting himself and fainting. It showed the fountain burgs and the water try to heal him. It showed Percy push it away. I t showed me find Percy and my dad flash us here. Then it stopped.
"My son..."
"Apollo heal him!" Zeus shouts. "My nephew..."
"Will he be okay?" I asked. My dad gave me a hug and I bury my face into his shirt. He picks me up and I sob into his shoulder. Apollo runs over to Percy and his hands hover over Percy's body. They light up gold and he runs his hand over Percy's body, but the cuts only fade to scars, nothing more. Then a groan is heard throughout the throne room. Percy's hand shoots up and grabs Apollo's wrist.
"No. Stop. Let me die."
Gasps are heard across the room.
"Let me die. I have seen to much for one life. U have been through to much pain, torture, and sorrow for one life. What year is it?"
An odd question but I answer it "2017"
"I have lived long enough." He faintly smiles."but Kronos was right. The gods had no idea that I was gone for two years. That I have been down to Tartarus fifteen for times, or that the sons of Morpheus kept me in their basement. Right under everyone's noses. Nobody knew. And now I can finally die."
"No. Son. Please. Don't die. We all have been wondering where you where these past two years."
"Thanks dad, for trying, but no. You were wondering, but nobody was looking. Nobody except Nico...mmm" he groans.
I hop out of my dad's arms. "Percy? Percy please. Please don't die. For me. Please. Stay with me." I start to sing. "Oh won't you, Stay with me, because you're all I need."
"Okay Nico. Okay. For you. Only you. Two more years. If I do not find something to live for in two more years, then let Thanatos take my soul."
"Okay Percy."
"Goodbye Thanatos. See you in Two years..." Says Percy, looking up at the ceiling. We all look where Percy is looking and see Thanatos waving at Percy. Percy smiles. "Goodbye, old friend. Do not get captured again. I won't have the strength to free you again." Percy says, with a smile on his lips. Thanatos smiles and disappears.
I give Percy a hug and he winces but hugs me back weakly.
"He needs to be in his father's domain in order to survive the next few days. Right now, he will not be able to walk until he is in the sea for at least a day. Poseidon, take him after this meeting." Apollo announces.
"Okay." Poseidon says. He stands up, brushes of his pants, than bends down and picks Percy up Bridal Style. Percy buries his face into his father's shirt and starts to cry silently, but with the dead silence in the room, you could hear it clear as day, and see Percy's shoulders shaking. Poseidon sits in his throne and lays Percy on his lap. Percy takes deep breaths, his shoulders shacking, his body racking with sobs.

Shattered like glass. (PJO fanfic. Betrayal)Where stories live. Discover now