Chapter Twenty Two

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Third Person POV

After breakfast, The Little Big 3 raced up to Percy's room. Nico won by Shadow traveling.

"Hey! That wasn't fair!"

"Yes it was, Thals!"

"No! You used your powers!"

"You never said I couldn't, Percy!"

"Girls, girls! You're all pretty!"

"Shut up, Triton!"
The three said in unison as Triton laughed, passing by them to enter his own room.

Following Triton's example, they entered Percy's room to pack up their things.

"Eww! It's Nico's smelly sock!"

"My sock is not smelly!"

"Yes it is!"

"Thalia! You left your hairbrush on my pillow! Catch!"

"Ow! That hit my face, you Kelp-Head!"

"I said catch! It's not my fault you can only catch with your face!"

The three stared at each other before bursting out laughing. Thy all helped each other organize their things and then they put all the stuff thy used in Truth or Dare back in the basket.

"Perce, what do we do with all this stuff?"

"I'll call Mia."


"Yes, Percy?"

"What do we do with all this stuff?"

"Oh, I'll take it for you."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Percy hands the basket over to Mia, who leaves, then turns to Nico and Thalia.

"Let's go!"

"Whoa there, boy. I know you're excited, but no need to hurry. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course, Thalia! Why wouldn't I?"

Nico goes up behind Percy and wraps his arms around Percy's waist, resting his chin on top of Percy's head.

"Well, they did hurt you."

"That's alright. They had their reasons."

"Not GOOD reasons!"

"Death Breath's right, Kelp Head."

"Yeah, he is."

"Triton? What are you doing in my room? And why is everyone hanging up on me?!"

"Because we're right!"







"Yes! Wait! What? Agh!"

Nico laughed turned Percy around to face him and kissed Percy on the tip of his nose.

"You're so cute when you're flustered."

"I am not flustered!" Percy argued although he was beet red.

"Anyway, I just came to tell you that Hermes and Apollo are here to take you to Camp Half-Blood. Hermes I get, but Apollo? Ugh. That guys a doofus. Don't let him flirt with you, little brother."

"Thanks, Triton! I won't!"

"Don't worry, Triton, if he does, I'll castrate him. And by the look on Nico's face right now, he would do something even worse."

They all turned to look at Nico who looked murderous(and slightly constipated) at the thought of Apollo flirting with his Love.

They laughed.

"Don't worry, Neeks. I love you and you only!" Percy exclaimed, giving Nico a quick kiss.


Nico tightened his grip on Percy's waist and brought him closer together, and enveloped Percy's lips with his own in a rough, sensual, possessive kiss.
Percy's hands wove around Nico's neck, and his fingers wove into the hair at the base of Nico's neck, tugging, and pulling him closer.
Nico licked Percy's lower lip, asking for entrance, and was denied, so he nipped at the lip, making Percy gasp. He used this opportunity to explore Percy's mouth with his tongue. His hands started to wander lower than Percy's lower back when-

*cough cough*

Nico and Percy's heads both swiveled to the direction of the noise interrupting their make-out session.
Thalia and Triton both stood there, looking rather impatient and uncomfortable.

"As much as I love all the pictures I was able to get from this and the money I will be able to make by selling them to the fangirls and fanboys, this is starting to get uncomfortable for a Forever Maiden-"

"And an Older Brother!"

"-to stand here and watch you make-out-"

"-While Hermes and Apollo are waiting for us in the Living Room."

"Dam it, Triton, stop interrupting!"



Thalia and Percy delved into a fit of giggles, leaving the other two males to wonder what the frick was so funny.

Hey guys, so I wanted to make this longer, but I don't have time and I keep getting demands of "When are you going to update?" And I am sorry, but I have my own life too. I'm busy from 8am-12pm because I'm taking Summer PE 10, so that I can take Band and Spanish 2 my Sophomore year, so PLEASE! I cannot exaggerate this enough! PLEASE give me some time. I have a weak immune system and am just finishing recovering from my previous illness, the skin is still peeling, so I am sorry that I haven't updated recently, but I'm trying to get update out to my other stories too, and I have quite a few of those, plus I was trying to finish the one-shot requests that I had received.
I will try to update as soon as possible, but please, don't give me pressure, I already have enough pressure and stress as it is, and I do not need more.
I'm sorry for the rant, I'm just having a bad day and am kind of pissed, so I beg you forgive me if I come across as rude.
Now. The kissing scene was probably bad because I've never been kissed before and vice versa so I don't know how it works but...yeah. Also, it was a shorter chapter than I wanted, and I am sorry, but I am kind of busy right now. Thank you for your patience. Thoughts on the chapter?

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