Chapter Seven

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Third Person POV

A quiet groan escapes the pink, rosy lips of a sleepy demigod. His sea-green eyes flutter open, and he quickly shuts them when the brightness hits his eyes. He peels them open slowly and looks around to see where he is.

The room he is in is nice. It looks like someone took the time to know him, then decorated it just for him. The walls were a rich blue, with a dark oak wooden floor. On the walls were a few Finding Nemo posters and a Finding Dory: Coming Soon poster.

The bed sheets were a light blue-green with fluffy white pillows resting against a dark oak bed frame.

There was a window framed with beautiful colorful coral. He walked up to the window and saw beautiful hills, coral, seaweed, houses, cottages, shops, armories, and merpeople.

Atlantis. He thought. I'm in Atlantis.

He turned and saw, the glass of water, sandwich, and gift. Curious, he walked over to it. Sitting down on the bed, he noticed the Nemo plush that he had set down when he stood up. Grabbing it and cuddling it close, he took a sip of water, realizing how thirsty he was. He ignored the sandwich, not hungry, his stomach not used to food. He instead reached for the gift.

Once he had untied the green ribbon, carefully taken off the blue wrapping paper, and lifted the lid, he saw something he thought he might never see again. That, and something else.

In the box, were two pieces of jewelry. A necklace, and a bracelet. The necklace was his old camp necklace, the one they had taken from him when they had captured him. He quickly tied the leather cord around his neck, tears in his eyes.

The bracelet was beautiful. It had a few charms on it, a trident, a skull, a laurel wreath, a sword. They were all on a chain that was gold and silver, the chains alternating metal: gold, silver, gold, silver... Imbedded in the metals were small gems. Emeralds, rubies, topaz. There was a pearl hanging off of the latch. The bracelet had a magical feeling to it.

There was a note:
Dear Percy,
I hope you are feeling better now. I miss you very much, and wish to visit you soon. I know it will take time for you to heal, but please, come to land sometimes and we could hang out. Anyways, the necklace is your old camp one. I was able to find it in the Morpheus cabin. The bracelet I made myself. It is enchanted so that whenever you call me, I will hear you and come as quick as I can. It is a charm bracelet, and every time I see you, I will give you another charm to add on. I hope you like it.
With love,

There were tears running down his face as he read this. He couldn't have been more grateful. He mentally thanked Nico. He put on the bracelet.

He stood, and clutched his Nemo plush close to his chest. He doesn't remember how he got it, but it gives him comfort and that is what he needs. He looks out the window one more time, and heads out the door.

A guard and a maid are stationed there. They look at him in surprise, and bow.

"Um...rise? I don't know what to do. Can you tell me where my father is?"

"Lord Poseidon, Lady Amphitrite, and Lord Triton should be on the throne room right now, Lord Perseus."

"It's Percy. How do I get there?"

"Lord Percy-"

"Just Percy"

" go straight, take a left, go down the stairs, take another left, go straight down the corridor, take a right, take a left, then a right, go down more stairs, take another left, go straight, go down a third set of stairs, take another right, go straight, then it's the first door on your left."

"Thank you."

"Would you like me to take you there, Lor-Percy?" The maid pipes in.

"No it's okay, I'll be fine."

Then Percy turns around and walks away. He tries to follow the guard's instructions but gets lost. After two hours of wandering and checking doors, he finally find large silver doors that can only lead to an important place. Percy hopes its the throne room.

With a heave, Percy manages to push the heavy doors open, and finds himself in the war room? Oops. They are having a meeting.  At least Poseidon, Triton, and Amphitrite are there. Everyone looks towards him and he suddenly feels very naked in his long raggedy shirt-dress. Jaws drop and murmuring starts.

Poseidon shouts over the murmuring.

"Percy? How did you know we were here?"
Poseidon asks after hugging the life out of his son, and holding Percy at arms length.

"I-um-didn't. Heh. I woke up-" Percy looks at the clock on the wall. "Two hours and 15 minutes ago, asked for directions to where you would be, which the guard told me would be the throne room, and got lost. I kinda just wandered and pushed open all the doors hoping it was the throne room but..."

Poseidon laughs. So does the gathered people.
"It's okay, I'm glad you are here and okay. Did you eat?"
He pulls Percy in for another hug.

"I'm not hungry."

"But Percy! It's been two years since you have actually eaten!"

"I'm not hungry."
Percy looks away.
"Dad, I feel naked."

Poseidon shoots Percy a concerned glance before motioning for Amphitrite to come over.
"When is Aphrodite coming?"

"I just contacted her. She said she is with Ares right now and will be over in an hour."

"Alright. Percy, Aphrodite is coming soon with clothes. Don't give me that look, she wants to. Oh come on! Not the puppy eyes! No. I'm not looking. You will not convince me. Aphrodite is coming with clothes and that is final."

Percy huffs. Poseidon pulls Percy over to the front of the room.

"This is my son, Perse-Percy. I'm sure you have all heard about him. He will join us today."

A maid brings in an extra chair. Poseidon puts the chair in between his and Triton's. He motions for Percy to sit. Percy does so cautiously, worried of how Triton thinks of him. Triton just gives him an encouraging smile and Ruffles his hair.

"Nice to see you awake, little brother. I'm glad you like the Nemo plush."

Percy blushed. He forgot he had brought it with him. Nonetheless, he hugged the Nemo plush closer.

"Thank you." Percy whispers.

"You're welcome, little brother. You are family."
He ruffles Percy's hair again and turns to pay attention to the meeting.

Percy zones out and thinks about how Aphrodite is going to use him as a doll, and make him wear ridiculous things. He hopes she brings something decent.

Everyone but Percy pays attention to the meeting, but no one notices the dark evil wisp that slips under the door.

Dun dun dun!!!!! What do you think? So Percy finally woke up! I wrote this in half an hour because I am bored. Is it good? Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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