Chapter Seventeen

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Third Person POV

After the crowd got over Percy's shocking yet amazing speech, many of the crowded around him hoping to get the chance to apologize and earn his forgiveness.

"Oi! The sass master needs his space!"

The group shuffled around until they were crowded in front of Percy instead of all around him.


"Uh, that's me, unless there is someone else named Percy that you know."

"Can-can you forgive me?"

"Can I forgive you? Annabeth, of course I can forgive you. The real question though, should be 'WILL I forgive you?' because I really don't have to if I don't want to."

Annabeth blushed and looked down, nodding.
"Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry, I just can't live with myself knowing that I've hurt you."

"You did for two years, Annabeth. Two years. I'm not sure if I want to forgive you right now, but, give me some time okay?"


Annabeth moved back and a girl with short, spiky black hair and electric blue eyes pushed her way to the front.

Percy practically screamed, overjoyed, and flung himself at her.

Thalia laughed and caught his light body, hugging the air out of him.
"Percy." She breathed. "You're okay. You're alive. You're here. Oh I missed you so much! I was so worried!"

"I missed you too, Thalia! I missed you and Nico. Is he here?"

She chuckles. "Yes, Nico is here. He was going to go to the underworld to visit his father, but when he found out about this, well, he wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Hey, Perce."
A voice said behind Percy.

Percy gently got out of Thalia's embrace and spun around, only to come face to face with Nico.

Percy flung himself at Nico, who caught him and held him close.
Nico had grown while Percy was gone, and was now a head taller than Percy, who stayed the same height.

"Percy~" Nico whined. "Don't call me that!"

"But I want to~"

Nico took one look into Percy's baby seal eyes, and lost whatever inner battle he was having.
"Fine...but only you!"

"YES! Neeks, I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Perce."

"Can you, Thalia, and I go and party now?"

"Of course! But I think you should address this crowd."

"Oh yeah!" Percy turned so that he was facing the crowd.
"I will forgive you when I want to forgive you! You need to EARN my trust back because I honestly only trust Nico and Thalia out if you guys right now! Goodnight!"

Then, Percy turned and walked away, Thalia and Nico on his heels, leaving the crowd of demigods and huntress's gaping at their retreating forms.

Music started playing again, and to Percy, Thalia, and Nico, it was very peppy and kind of rock/emo.

The three of them danced the night away, occasionally going to the little bar Dionysus had set up and ordering a glass of juice, or going to the snack stand Demeter had set up and eating a small bowl of cereal(which earned them a smile and a pat on the head from the cereal-loving goddess).

Around midnight, the music changed so that everyone only heard one song, and they were all slow songs. Gods and goddesses asked Percy to dance with them, and so he did, occasionally messing up since he hadn't danced for over two years. Thalia and Nici dance together, as they did not want to dance with anyone from that wretched camp that had condemned their cousin. Finally, one last slow song played and Aphrodite shot a wink at Nico, which he took as a signal that it was finally his chance.

"May I have this dance?"

Percy turned around to see Nico bowing with his hand out. Percy put his hand in Nico's giggling slightly(hey, it was a manly giggle!) and nodded to Nico's question.

"You may."

Nico pulled Percy to him and wrapped his arms around Percy's waist, as Percy wrapped his arms around Nick's neck and they swayed to the soft music.

Thalia, watching this, smirked mischievously and pulled out a small camera from the small studded purse that she was carrying. She snapped a few pictures of an oblivious Percy and Nico and slipped the camera back into her purse. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder and she spun around, coming face to face with the Olympians, Triton, and Amphitrite.

Aphrodite squealed, "They look so happy and at peace!"

Thalia nodded.

Zeus put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her completely serious.
"Daughter, we will give you five drachmas each if you give us each a copy of that photo you just took."

I said I was going to update and I did! Ta-da! What do you think? I tried at some Percico fluff and briefly mentioned Thalico, but I feel like I failed at that. Oh well. Next update will be April 20. Please comment your thoughts!

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