Chapter Twenty Four

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Third Person POV

Thalia, Nico, Apollo, Hermes, and Percy flashed into Camp Half-Blood. They landed in the dining pavilion, standing on the head table.

Percy moved his foot out of the squishy substance that was Chiron's oatmeal.

"Sorry about that Chiron..."

"It's alright, child."

They all jumped off the table, causing it to shake slightly, and landed on the ground. Well, Percy didn't. He stumbled and fell, but Nico caught him. Percy smiled and leaned up to kiss his boyfriend's cheek, startling many campers and causing gasps to emerge from the mouths of the campers, along with tears from Annabeth Chase's eyes.

Nico set down his boyfriend, who immediately tried to shake off the oatmeal still on his shoe.

"Yuck. Oatmeal is sticky."

An icky splatter sound came when the oatmeal hit the floor.



Said boy looks up from the ground, startled, and stares at the campers seated in front of him.

"Uh, 'sup?"

Immediately clatters arose as plates and utensils were dropped onto the tables and the demigods got up to greet their hero.

"You're here!"

"Um, yeah..."

"What are you doing here?" A random camper spoke up.

"Should I leave?"

"No! It's just...we didn't think you'd want to come back."

"Oh, well, my cousins were coming here and after having so much fun at our sleep over, I didn't want them to leave, so I came with them!"

"You had a sleep over?" Another camper questioned as if the idea was ridiculous to him.

"Well, yeah. Nico, this is getting uncomfortable, there's so many people! Can we go now?"

"Of course, love."

Nico took his love's hand and led him to the Poseidon cabin, the other three trailing behind them.

The five of them entered the cabin, then turned to look at the disastrous mess around them.

"Apollo?" Percy chirped.

"Yes, Perce?"

"Would you, oh I don't know, help out a poor little mortal and, oh, help tidy up my cabin?" Percy asked, batting his eyelashes.

"Of course! What do you want me to do?"

"Oh, just, fix the Windows, clean the floor, make the beds, fix the fountain...
It's not too much, is it?"

"No, no! Not at all! I'll start right away!"

"Thank you, darling."

Apollo immediately got to work, cleaning, forgetting that he could just do it with a snap of his fingers.

When Apollo's back was turned, Percy turned to the others, smirking. They all high-fives him.

"Apollo, sweetie, we're going to go outside for a bit, you'll keep doing this, won't you?"

"Yes, yes, of course!"

"Thank you, dear."

The four of them exited the cabin, leaving Apollo to work. As soon as they had exited and closed the door, they doubled over laughing.

"Percy, as much as I despise that flirting you did, I am so proud of what you just managed to do!"

"Yeah, Perce! Apollo is pretty dim for a sun god!"

"No kidding, and I have to deal with that goof every day!"

"Hahaha! Thanks, guys!"

The four of them chose to split up at that moment, and catch some alone time.

Thalia went into the woods with her bow and a quiver of arrows, in the mood to hunt.

Hermes went to go start scheming the pranks he oh-so-desperately wants to play on the camp.

Nico and Percy kissed once, a passionate one at that, then split to go their separate ways for the hour.

Nico went in the direction of the Hades cabin, intent on finding a charm to give to Percy to add on the cha bracelet he had given him.

Percy went to go wander around camp, but eventually go to the training arena and get some practice in.

A sound of realization came from the Poseidon cabin, as Apollo realized he can use his powers and fix the room, which he follows through on. He then went to go talk with his kids.

An hour later, the group was back in front of the Poseidon cabin, well, all except Percy, which made them nervous. Suddenly, they hear a startled, and frightened, scream come from the training arena.

The group starts running in that direction, recognizing the scream. They were vaguely aware of he startled campers following them.

When they arrived at the arena, they saw something that chilled them to the bone.

Percy was backed up against a wall, face turning blue, as a seemingly invisible force started to choke him.

The ground and floor of the center of the arena had given in, and a giant hole had taken its place.

That scared them enough, but what made them even more frightened, were the two scratched up, bloody, pale pairs of hands, on the edge of the hole, the people attached to those hands, climbing up.

Oh, yes, I did! I feel so evil right now!
On a separate note, did anyone else feel like this was a bad chapter, or was it just me? That was 800 words on the dot! (Not including this A/N)
Comment your thoughts!

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