Chapter Two

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Guys I read chapter one again and I realized just how HORRIBLE my writing was. So I will try to make this one better. Thanks for reading!

Third Person POV

Poseidon sat in his throne, holding Percy and carding his hand in Percy's soft hair. The other gods sat in their respective thrones, and Nico sat on a black and silver bean bag chair at the foot of his father's throne.

Everyone stared at Percy sadly as Percy slept. Percy's chest rose and fell with every shuddering breath he took. Nobody knew what to do.

Percy had been right. The gods knew he was not a traitor or a weakling, like the campers and Chiron told them. They knew that he was strong. They also knew he was missing. They didn't know where he was, the did wonder though. The only person who looked however, was Nico, but Thalia did try to help when she could-Artemis just did not let her a lot.

They knew Percy was strong, yes. But they did not know that he was strong enough to endure all that he did. They doubted that they themselves could. They thought about how horrifying it must have been for Percy to be dragged down to Tartarus, not once, but fifteen times.

The gods did not know what to do with the hero. They wanted to make him a god, but they knew he would say no. They knew he wanted nothing more than to die, and they knew the only reason he was still alive was because of Nico.

The gods thought about the camp, Chiron, and the traitors. The camp and Chiron should know about the traitors and the horrible things they did to Percy. They should also learn that Percy was an innocent victim. They also knew that Percy would not want to face them.

So no. The gods dos not know what to do. They knew that the camp needs to know. They knew they had to deal with the traitors, soon. They knew that Percy had to be in the sea.

The gods decided to discuss what to do. A lot of them had many different ideas.

"Let's wait for Percy to wake up and ask him."
Hestia offered her opinion.

"I say we go down to the camps and yell at them. Maybe a fight will break out." That, of course, was Ares.

"I can take Percy to my palace and let him stay in the guest room there. Then when he heals completely, we can go down to camp with him and clear things up."
Poseidon just wanted what was best for his son.

"Let's give the poor hero new clothes!" Aphrodite was disgusted at the dirty long rag that Percy wore.

After many hours of bickering, the gods had finally come up with a decision.

They would have Poseidon create a ball of sea water and place Percy in it. Much like the Ophiotaurus. However, unlike the Ophiotaurus, Percy would stay asleep, floating, when inside the ball of sea water. They would call over both the camps and make sure they bring the traitors, and make it seem like they are being rewarded.

They would discuss a punishment and put it to a vote, which they know will be unanimous.

After showing the camps Percy in his weak comatose-like form, dirty rags and all, they will tell them the truth. They want to watch the camps go from proud, to guilty and remorseful.

After the camps see Percy, Poseidon will take Percy to Atlantis, where Triton and Amphitrite had been notified of Percy's condition. Aphrodite could go clothes shopping for when Percy wakes up, so that Percy would have something decent to change into.

Percy would decide what to do from there, go to camp, or stay in Atlantis, or whatever else he decides. The gods would make sure to constantly check up on him and keep him company. Make him feel relaxed, at home, and welcomed with the gods. Then maybe, when the two years were up, Percy might agree to becoming a god.

The plan was dramatic, like Zeus wanted, peaceful, like Hestia wanted, well strategized, which is all Athena wanted, painful to the camps, which is what Ares wanted, everything that all the gods wanted to happen, would happen with this plan. It was brilliant.

Alright guys, what do you think? Better than chapter one? Do you like the way the paragraphs are spaced out in this chapter better than chapter one? Is my writing any better? Please comment. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is appreciated. Keep the hate away. I am sorry for not updating, I had lost the feeling of this story, but I am back now! Should this story be Percico? Anyway, thanks for reading!

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