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Shinobu pov

"Kanae please don't die on me please" I screamed I was walking home to find out house door unlock

It very unusual to have our door open and kanao just called me and said mom or kanae didn't pick her and aoi up from the mall so I was coming home
I started to walk inside our dark house it had a weird smell I look around and see the walls painted in red

"Ahhhhhh"I heard a scream then a gunshot right after it I heard a body drop and I hear knives being use I quickly hide when the killers was finnaly gone I left the hiding space straight to the room

I never cried never in my life until now tears staining my face my phone ringing 'right aoi and kanao don't know of course they don't how stupid can I be hiding while I hear they scream'

All I can see it my mother body chopped into pieces blood reeking through the house broken glass everywhere then I heard a faint voice "shi..n..bu"kanae muster to say I quickly went to her side

" ple..ase take of our si..bilings they all you got now i-I can't feel nothing anymore..I-I c-can't smile..b..but p..romise me y-you a-always s-smile p-please"I'm crying like a mess hearing Kanae words how dare she leave

I see she can't smile due to her mouth being slit I'm crying I never smile I won't I can't just smile

How do she expect me to live without her thoughts just going and going through my head "kanae please don't y-you have to live mother is dead y-you can't leave too I'm only 14 how can I aoi and kanao expecting to see you guys they waiting they is waiting kanae mom I n-" I kept rambling until kanae scold me one
Last time

"Shinobu I carry ....o-out m-my f-final w-wish t-tell....kanao....and.....aoi me and mom love them ...very much I'm sorry...we let you down"kanae muster a smile

I'm crying mess right now but I must carry it out "I-I promise ....I always smile no matter what just for you you twin never let us down see but if y'all leave y'all will I can't kanae I can't "I cried kanae struggle to get something out her hair but her left arm cut off  but she still manage

She took out her butterfly pin and place it in my hair I tried to smile but I can't but that the least I can do so I gave her a smile " look...beautiful kocho*cough up blood* tell..kisanemi I love hi-"

"Shinobu wake up!!!you okay you having that dream again aren't you " I look at my worried best friend Mitsuri all that was just 5 years ago and it still hunts

me i already seek their revenge but it didn't filled the hole in my heart no one in the house know I killed

someone no one but sanemi because he the one help me it only between me and him I can now protect the ones I love

And I'm willing to lay down my life for them I never been caught and no one can tell that my smile is fake I mean no one not even my sisters or Mitsuri

But that don't mean their always fake I sometimes smile genuine I looked up and smiled at Mitsuri

"Thank you for waking me up "I got out the bed and brush my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail I cut it  1month ago to start fresh

I heard that hair sometime carry bad omen if it went a negative path and it been to hell and back drench with sorrow and blood

I walk downstairs and see a seven year old hiding under a blanket "rawrrrrr " he said jumping from the blanket

I acted scared "wow kisanemi I almost had a heart attack no come here"I said picking him up and hugging him he started to giggle

"Where sanemi?"I asked aoi popped her head for around the corner "he went to get some snacks for kisanemi" she replies

Kanao came up looking like she finna tackle me "gimme my nephew now"she pouted I'm still smiling

"No he my nephew" I heard him closer "cmon you had me for a long time take turn please" kisanemi hate when we argue even if we playing

I just pass him to kanao and walked in the kitchen to see Mitsuri cooking and knowing her

Half that food is for her no wonder her boobs so big I'm always the quiet silent type I only talk to sanemi kisanemi kanao aoi and Mitsuri I got to convince them I'm ok

I'm smiling so that mean I'm ok right? I'm not crying I don't get angry no more what an improvement I use to very moody but that side went away

Kanae no matter what we will treat kisanemi as if he was our own mom ,is you watching

Your daughters got older I'm now 19 aoi and kanao is 17 yup your twins finnaly growing kanae sanemi

Is very overprotective of us now I'm glad to have him as my nii-San he even got custody of kisanemi

And he good at letting me see my nephew he didn't take your death to easy I know it hard for him but I'm trying to tell him to move on

I know that what you want you don't want him to be lonely all his life kanae I know you

And mom kanao and aoi don't want to work I know that we very rich but it was our last name that got

Y'all killed so we now hiding it we go by kichi we just replace the O of course

I'm going to start a job just for side money I don't want to take over our business yet im too scared

But I will look for a job just incase you know I don't want to be rich and. Don't work for it

I'm just zoned out until I see Mitsuri waving a hand in my face "shinobuuuu..shinobu....shinyyyyy....bestie.....bestieeeee....shinobu " she kept saying I just pinch her cute little cheeks

She so cute I can't believe people didn't like her hair it suits her very well I just look where she was heading and follow her to

The dining room everyone seated we had a lot to eat well Mitsuri had a lot it was pancakes,sausages ,eggs,bacon,grits,oatmeal,patties,French toast ,orange juice,cheese toast,toast etc. the list can go on

While we was eating sanemi finally came back with kisanemi snacks "dadddd you're back guesss what aunt shinbo and aunt kanao was fighting over me oba-San had me alll day"he said giggling I gave him a playful hurt look

"Oh really you ready to go home" sanemi said picking up kisanemi holding him up like a airplane

"Yeaa bye byeee" he waved sanemi turns to everyone and wave bye the turn to me mouthing thank you

I hope he know I was sleep half of the day without watching kisanemi it was aoi actually kanao been out the house lately I think she might got a boyfriend

Aoi told me about he boyfriend his name is
Inosuke he sound like he got anger problems but she seem to calms him down

I wonder will I ever find someone to calm down me? I just sighed and went in the living room with Mitsuri following me

"Oh there a man he looking for an Assistant must be female it says and it start after tomorrow he quite handsome omg he is handsome you should work there shinobu you been looking for a job right?..and who wouldn't want to work for this fine man right here .....OMG HIS RIGHT HAND MAN IS EVEN FINER HIS EYES TWO DIFFERENT. COLORS OMG  you better sign up or I will do it for you" Mitsuri said jumping up and down waving her phone in my face

"Yea I'll pass "I said with a smile she looked at me with a smirk "to late I already sign you up be ready
Wednesday it says it a tomioka corps and you will be working for the CEO aka the boss aka the person who runs the whole place"

I smile knowing deep inside that I want to ask her why will she do that "will do thank you " I smiled

Ok I'm done hope you like it please tell me what you think in the comments or vote I really don't care

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