Chapter 28

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For further most I want to say R.I.P to akira toriyama dragon ball was and still is my favorite anime really hurted to hear tht he died💔💔💔

I'm correcting spelling errors sorry
Now to the story 

Pov 3rd person
Shinobu is now in a restaurant eating salmon daikon as she eating she rubbing her now visible baby bump "can I please get one more bowl he still want more" she chuckle looking down at her belly

The waiter laugh "of course how far along is you?" The waiter ask "I'm 7 months" shinobu replied as they was talking giyu was at the door but he couldn't hear what they was saying he only can see

Her rubbing her belly 'she have to be pregnant' he thought looking in her direction his craving for salmon daikon disappeared when the waiter walk away he angrily but calmly walk towards her

"Shinobu" he mustered to let out the hearing of his voice made her heart skip a beat but she quickly put a jacket on to cover up her belly "so you is pregnant?" He whispered lightly after seeing her action

Shinobu appetite for the salmon daikon was no more she wanted to go home not to talk with him as she was about to leave he grabbed her gently by the arm "me and you need to talk" he says

The waiter walk back with the salmon daikon "here you g-" she drop the bowl "omg it tomioka omg omg I'm such a fan of you wait y'all two go together I thought you was with some girl yay or is it yae I don't remember "she says as she put a finger on her chin trying to remember

Here go the yae girl again shinobu thought still can't go nowhere due to giyu having a grip on her arm giyu began to glare a the waiter before she can even say anything else

He left money on the table pulling shinobu out the restraunt shinobu eyes was glued to the ground even around him she felt soft but she soon straighten up as she caught a cramp in her belly

Giyu pov
"Let go of me " shinobu yank her arm Out of my grip and began walking to her car slowly while rubbing her belly

"Shinobu" I say softly "tell me" I say afterwards I began walking towards her "we can sit in the car" I say walking to her dar opening the door for her

"And again why did I hurt her?" I mutter to myself I got inside her car I grab her keys and drove straight to my house as we arrive I open her door to let her out and we sat in the living room "now tell me shinobu please" I say

"t-tell you what exactly" she stutter I look her in her eyes she know what I'm talking about "is you pregnant?" I ask straightforwardly

She didn't answer and I'm tired of asking "is you pregnant" I ask more bluntly she jus nod her head yes "yes I am now you can leave isn't your girl waiting" She sighs "how many times I don't go with that whore" I said angirly 'I wonder is it my baby if it someone's else's I might kill him' I thought

"And it is your baby" them words made my world stop why was I'm glad then being angry is it because I don't want her with nobody else

I began to remember all them times I said I don't want no baby i hate kids should I tell her to get a abortion? No I shouldn't

Why do I want to be in their life again I do miss her I always have I never wants yae I never wanted her I sighed "why haven't you told me in the beginning?" I ask coldly

"It was none of your business why should I?""it is my business it MY child in you with MY DNA" I said sternly I can feel the atmosphere getting tense "YOU NEVER WANTED A CHILD TO BEGIN WITH" she raise her voice

She had a point I never did wanted a Child after that incident I don't want one because I don't think i will be a good father but still "it was still my responsibility how far along is you?" I ask more nicely I didn't want to stress her

"I'm 7 months " 5months I missed 5 month huh "took you this long to tell me" I said a little frustrated "yes, it have and I'm still trying to get over

you you hurted me you hear me YOU.HURTED.ME . You think it was easy to bare a child of yours I had thought of aborting MY child MY only happiness I'm glad I didn't giyu you hurted me you hurted my heart you hurted my soul YOU HURTED ME" she keep saying as I see tears falling from her eyes

I never seen her cry before I never not this bad atleast why does it hurt me to see her like this I hurted her I did no one but me 'look at her look what you done' my brain keep saying

Mr.cold guy left in me seeing her in this state I just grabbed her and let her cry in my chest "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you stop crying" I say rubbing her hair it all my fault I was the one fucking other girls I even fucked them to keep my mind off of her

Do I really love her this much? I want to change I'll show her that I can change " I'll change for you and the baby I promise" I whisper in her ear

She wipe her tears away "I hope you know I can never forgive you giyu but I won't let you stay away from your child so change for him

I'll teach him not to treat women your way until I see change in you giyu I don't know if I should let things work out between me and you" she says as she walking more like waddling out my door

I got up and stop her
Shinobu pov
I still love you dummy I muttered under my breath as I walking toward the door I felt a pair of hands around my waist I felt butterflies in my stomach

Before I can say something I felt him kissing my neck "it dark out there you can just sleep here for tonight I love you" he says I can feel my cheeks redden is he love bombing me?

Well I never seen nor hear him say he love another women but Shinobu don't fall for his trap I tell myself "I'm is a little tired I say" he guide me upstairs to his bed I got jeans and a shirt on

But I see one of his shirts "can I wear your shirt please?  " I ask politely "yea what mines is yours darling" he says "don't call me that don't get the wrong idea because I'm agree too sleep over tomioka" I says coldly these pregnancy hormones

Got me all type of ways I took his shirt and went inside his bathroom to change I come back out and laid into his bed

As soon as I laid down I instantly went to sleep no tossing and turning at all I felt at home I really do miss this but I got to live for the better I can feel him kissing my forehead "I love you" he says he said it for the second time

Giyu pov

I'll change for her no matter my past I know my sister will be happy that I'm becoming a man I'm no longer sad about her death but I'm still grieving

I hear a knock at my door downstairs so I go down and open my door it was yae "heyyy I miss youuuuu" she cooed I just glared at her "leave" I say "whyyyy" she whines she so loud going to wake up Shinobu

"I don't have no dealings with you yae leave or I'll make you leave before you wake up Shinobu" I says angrily glaring at her

"I'm pregnant giyu it your baby and you bring in that whore" I grab her hand aggressively "don't call her that and that not my child in your stomach I use condoms with you and I change out the condoms you poked holes in go find something else to do you whore" I glared even harder

I can see her getting frighten she was about to say something but I closed the door on her I call the guards to get her "fact she tried to lie when she been laying up with other men pissing me off" I says to myself

I go back upstairs to my bed room when I open the door I felt calm she is my peace she is my home I got to show her I'll change I got into the bed next to her and snake my arms around her petite body lightly

I was inhaling her butterfly scent she smell so good I can feel my eyes heavily closing I wish this night don't end I'm inlove aren't I?

Theeeeee end I updated sorry it took so long but school stressing me tf out but I had to upstate you guys rip akira toriyama again I love him I kind of forgot some part in the story but just vibe

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