Chapter 21

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(Kisenami is doing okay his stitches has heal and he walking he still have truama he try his best to seem strong and he scared of sharp things but he alright I need to timeskip this mf)

I was back at working I still check in kisenami from time to time he having trouble sleeping and having sudden outburst to strangers he don't know

Right now I'm working giyu he still giving small talks or not saying nothing nonetheless that normal for most but not for me

I'm not talking to him either because of the week before it kind of made me angry but if it was kanae she will forgive easily with a smile on her face

The fact that He was just warming up and talking more to me weeks ago but not no more it like I'm feening for him to atleast speak to me my phone keep buzzing for like the 30th time so I decided to pick it up

"He-""the baby coming the baby omg"Mitsuri scream in pain wow 9 months already pass "excuse me I'll be going"I said gathering my things

"Wait I'll go with you ride with me"he said carelessly getting up and walking pass me i just followed behind

He look like he didn't even want me to be around  "tomioka is you mad at me or something?"I blurted I usually won't care about someone not talking to me but I want to talk to him

"No" he replied before I can say something else the elevator came to a stop and he walked out once again not even acknowledging me

Giyu pov
I don't want to talk to kocho not like I speak anyway why is she so damn annoying like a insect buzz buzz this buzz buzz that

She be the main one talking about manners past she need to work in hers according to last week

Flashback week ago*
Giyu wanted to know what happen to kisenami mom and why don't she ever be around "it none of your buisness you know" shinobu says with a tick mark smiling

She was getting tired of him asking and she don't like opening up to someone who never was there for her when she was going through the crisis

"Well you wanted to know about my sister right "he asks she is getting tired of the topic inplus she never wanted to know anything about his sister

"I can careless about who where when or what about your sister I never wanted to know anything about her you know"she said coldly but sweetly

All that in her head is replays of her sister and mom death all she can think was why he so worried about my sister he don't know the pain

Of losing a mom and sister at once he probably a spoil child he don't know anything about me or my life

Giyu he just didn't respond back he was angry alright how can anyone say that about his DEAD sister not once in his or her life he heard someone

Say something like that too her "well I don't care about your sister for all I care I don't care about your mom dad brother whoever they can be dead and I still won't care"he finally reply

"Ara that fine never ask did you care or not"she had a tick mark by her head 'how much I want to posion him right now' she thought and just walk out the door

Flashback ended*

Goto came and pick us up I went because iguro is my right hand man and kocho was already leaving so why not offer a ride

We made it to the hospital and check in "oh my gosh he so cute" kocho says with her regular smile

I see iguro walking towards me I guess he too happy because he was about to hug me "congrats man"i move him back to handshake him "still not a fan of hugs I see" I didn't reply

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