Chapter 9

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Giyu pov
I put on my black pants and dress shirt with my mix match haroi(again his fit is from ds) I began walking from my room things I notice

That all my female kakushi is very timid lately I never did anything to scare them did I? I make sure they have a place to stay due to the fact some of

Them lost their parents all they had to do is obey me  anyway I'm walking downstairs being meeted with cynithia she was already dress a long v neck that stop above her bell button so I can see her chest

And hickeys I left all over her yea she do be seducing me and she never fails "you not going" I said

Walking out the door leaving her ms kichi should be early but knowing her she might be late I got in the car and goto started to drive

Cynithia pov
I was already dress and If I'm not mistaken I heard he suppose to bring a women with him so why I got to stay

Well since he gone it gives me time to do my thing I been waiting

I went down in his office he left it unlock where all his personal computers are he don't has a password thank god for his cockiness so I went in his company bank

I quickly transfer 1 million dollars to my account it should stay like this for sometime I walk out his office locking the door behind me

Giyu pov
I'm waiting for ms.kichi I see iguro and pink hair girl walking towards me "hey  you like shinobu or

something because you chose her she so cute insnt she mmm mhm mhmm mmm"she was talking until iguro out his hand over her loud mouth

I see kokushibo the brother of yorrichii (y'all I don't know how to spell their names bare with me) the person that planned this whole event he a major guy  but he seem fishy "hi there what a nice lady you have there" he said to iguro "thanks but don't compliment her to much" he replied

Iguro do you want to mess this up "well mr.tomioka may I ask where your wife?"he ask damn I should've brought cynithia "I'm right here nice to meet you"

I hear a familiar voice say I turn around and see her bowing "ah so respectful my child come here "he referred to shinobu

Shinobu pov
I was not late it just took me awhile to find him I thought he would've been in a suit what an emo ass

I walking to the older age male who ask me to come here he then put his hand on my head "I will kindly say this please don't touch me"I smiled at him

I don't know but I get a bad feeling from him

3rd pov
Everyone had a shock anime look yea we defiantly not going to have this deal giyu and iguro thought

"Ah my child my apologies" he remove his hands from her head and walk off she survive no mistaken it that shinobu kocho the sister of kanae kocho and

the child of kina kocho they always so alert these days come to found out one of the kocho children

know where the blue lily are there eyes are very precious she must don't know but if she activate it she'll be partially blind if fully blind

"Why" giyu said staring in kocho eyes she just turn to him looking in his eyes "why not" she smiled they acting like a married couple already obanai thought

He won't think twice about hiding how he feel because he full on glaring at me with them dull blue eyes those eyes is full of anger not for me for some else those eyes is so cold that it can control some one

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