Chapter 5

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Shinobu pov
I went to sleep on the couch and Mitsuri laying on my leg I'm gonna be late again aren't I I gently move her head to the couch and got dress I

Put on an black buisness skirt with a black dress shirt and a black blazer and some heels I was getting ready to go

I got in my car and start driving towards work I can say I'm 20 min late but I turn into the buisness and hurriedly clock in

Giyu pov
I guess ms kichi is not showing up today "ms.kichi j-just c-clock I-in s-sir she on t-the way" my receptionist said iguro is with sanemi

Today so he not here just me an cynithia in my office I'm kissing her dominantly my hands roaming her body she been growing on me more not romantically but sexually she been pleasing my needs more often

I hear a knock at my door I look at cynithia as a sign to go get it she walk to the door and open it revealing the very short women from yesterday

"Overslept my apologies " she smile looking me in the eyes she can tell we just had a make out I see cynithia looking quite angry she look at me in a way to ask can she speak "you may" was all I said

"You can't be coming in here late you know so I want you to step out please" cynithia says I do not know what going on with her but she acting like she my wife or something I don't like that she not worthy

3rd pov
"I'm sorry that you might be confuse but last time I check you aren't mr.tomioka so you can not tell me when to leave I advise you to speak when you're spoken to did your parents ever taught you manners sweetie?" Shinobu said in her calm yet threatening voice

Wow she literally just said that to cynithia she a bratty brat she worser then daki tomioka thought cynithia had a scowl look on her face but then she walked closer to whisper something in her ear

"Just to let you know I'm his girlfriend disrespect me then you disrespect him got it" she whisper with venom through each word shinobu still had that

Smile on her face "I do not care mr.tomioka is their something I shall do I see a stack of paperwork that need to be done" she said turning to tomioka with

A smile giyu nod his head she went and grab the papers cynithia wanted permission to talk again but giyu decline so she stay with a stuck up look on her face

"you know people don't understand anything if you don't talk do you know that right?" Shinobu said to cynithia while walking out the door

Whe shinobu left cynithia finally could talk "she can't be the secretary I hate her I really do should've hire that suzuki you seen how she spoke to me master you have to do something with her please and the fact that stupid smile never leave her face omg I'm pissed off"she complained

Giyu just look at her dumbfounded "yea so back where we left o-" the door was lightly open but it was shinobu she was done with the paper work

She set the paper back on his desk giyu was amazed but by his face you couldn't tell and shinobu was amaze herself but you couldn't tell by her face

"Got to go restroom"giyu reply getting out his chair heading out

Shinobu pov
I see the cynithia girl turning her head to me as soon as mr. Tomioka had left "you need to show more respect I can get you fire in a heart beat you bitch he loves me so much"she said

Oh I really want to say something but I still smiling "good for you" I replied tomioka then return sitting in his desk "you go and you stay" mr tomioka said

Telling me to stay the lady here seem to be hesitant but she goes and close the door I just sit down in the chair infront of his desk he start working on his

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