Chapter 11

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3rd pov
"Omg omg did we interrupt something "Mitsuri squealed cynithia was mad so mad she drop the coffee and she looked at Mitsuri and drag her out the door for a second

"Handle this later shall we " shinobu said smiling quickly wanting to know what that brat doing to her friend she walked out the door to check on Mitsuri but those

two was already walking back Mitsuri had a sad face cynithia walked in the office the janitor already tending to the coffee spill she made

"I didn't know they was together sorry" Mitsuri said shinobu just smiled "they actually not she just a

delusional chick" she said Mitsuri smiled "what made you come here?"shinobu ask

Mitsuri was fidgeting with her fingers and she have a blush on her face "w-well y-you know how me and I-iguro been t-together for 8 months "she said

Shinobu didn't respond all she can think of was damn that fast "w-well we is engage and all b-but I-I'm scared to tell him I-I'm p-p-pregnant" Mitsuri said quickly shutting her eyes

"Oh" shinobu replied smiling "just tell him" she says Mitsuri gave her  the you think I'll be here if I did look

"yeah I should go to kanao instead because you quite don't understand no offense love you bestie bye" Mitsuri running in the hall way to the exit

Shinobu walk back inside the office as she walking towards her desk she see cynithia put her foot out in a act to trip her shinobu just stepped over it and sat down  "you so pathetic "then she continued shinobu just zone her out  "like you must have a birth deformation on how tiny and weak you look"

"Do you even talk?" Cynithia ask "not to you" shinobu says I'm so glad it Friday she thought

"Hate girls who think their better you ugly anyways "  'says the girl who look like a roach on crack that relapse 16 times ' shinobu thought

Giyu just working on his computer acting like he don't hear nothing as usaul or not his business he says


Shinobu pov
I'm in my car driving back to my house who else know my last name this can be very dangerous if he

a threat he did threating my family  jt I can see right through he won't touch my family for one kisanemi

call him his uncle weird but yea and if he do know about kanao and aoi they girlfriends of his cousin if

I'm not mistaken I did research on them and his relatives

I got out my car and went inside I see kanao and aoi home they look drain and sad "stay on guard

girls"was all i say and I know why they home and sad tomorrow is the anniversary our sister and mom died

It hurt me more then it hurt them most of all I never be home on this day either I be out to another world a world that make me feel good just mentally

3rd pov
Aoi and kanao is not only sad because of their sister and mom death they sad because shinobu never home on the day they sad because they think

She hurting herself on this day or blaming herself kanao and aoi walk upstairs into shinobu room

shinobu look up with the Same smile she had since their deaths

Kanao just went in the bed with shinobu and hug her sister they never show any affection because shinobu

don't like being touch ever since that day because

she don't like the fact she have kanae and her mom blood stain on her hands not by killing them but by

holding them in her embrace it sometimes trigger shinobu as if to think it kanao or aoi laying there each time she look at her hands

But she try her best to comfort them she rubbing her back "I know" she says

shinobu hear kanao sobbing kanao is a very strong girl she usually don't cry but seeing her like this broke her already broken heart again

"Damn..........damn I can't take it........I can' anymore" kanao cried softly she only want to be in her older sister embrace

Aoi start whaling because she sad and she don't like seeing others cry because it'll make her cry aoi start hugging shinobu

And they was crying on shinobu embrace once again deja vu she might say

" I really miss them I wish all this was a dream i don't want...... to experience

death ....................again"aoi cried shinobu put

Her arms around her sisters she still smiling but in the inside she crying along with them "don't cry

please don't kanae won't like it and mom heart will break if she see you guys like this" she said

Her voice is so soothing and calm she still smiling they stayed like that for awhile until shinobu hear soft snores

They was sleep she gently lay the twins at side of each-other and put a blanket over them she get a

flashback of when they where little and their mom did the same for all of the girls when they cry their selves to sleep shinobu giggled at the time kanae

Thought her and senami was over but realization senami was way more desperate without her then she was without him they made it up though

I got to make sure they protected if I lose them I don't know what I'll do for myself I might even try

and join them I hope I die first and I hope I die by protecting them.because iam shinobu kocho and it is my wish to die that way she goes down stairs and go to sleep on the couch

Giyu pov
Im currently in my office at home I guess I left it unlock again "sir uzui and the kamado family is here "okashi bowed

I got out my seat 'this going to be a long day' I sighed walking downstairs "sup " uzui says "hey giyu how your day going "tanjiro smile

I had the same cold expressionless face "you'll have more wives then me if you talk more instead of that lousy girl with the long hair she so unflamboyantly "

He says oh lord the brat herself awaken walking in here "who are you calling that you weirdo"she yells

"who gave you permission to talk and especially to my guess?leave "I coldly say to her tanjiro look like he finna have a heart attack

"Now that was a flamboyantly attitude but that not how you treat a lady you so cold " when will he leave he keep babbling and babbling

"Oh that secretary of yours she flamboyantly pretty won't mind making her my 4 wife or you can make

her your wife""uzui isn't that quite rude  to say about the lady yes she very elegant she also smell very nice " tanjiro butted in

"You so unflashy tanjiro" will they please leave I need to sleep I'm bored of these two

"Right we actually came to ask will you come hang out with us tomorrow"tanjiro beamed he don't know yet huh "I'll pass" I respond

"Better be lucky Zenitsu wasn't here he'll for sure make you come" oh my Zenitsu the number one most annoying weirdo ever he so whiny

"Well it getting late we'll just leave" "bye bruh I got my flashy wives to see" "oh ye-" I just shut the door in their faces before they say anything else

I walk upstairs oh right tomorrow I suppose to visit their grave tomorrow yea right my sister and my best friends how many years has passed

10 ,9 or 8 been so long I think I got better at expressing myself  crazy to think I killed a women just because she pry in my personal life

Innocent blood on my hands and I just walk around like I didn't do a thing the lady was pregnant with my child and I just killed her out of rage

How bad of a person am I can I get worser well I take my time with cynithia of course she the only one that please my sexual desires

My eyes just heavily shut as I laying in my bed

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