Chapter 19

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Shinobu pov
It been three days I haven't ate nothing not like it new to me I was working on a way to find there hide out I seen a  email so I clicked it it looked important I saw kisenami name in it it was a video so I press play NO this can't be he just a child why? They was slitting kisenami stomach and that was the last straw

I had find the location of kisenami I had found a way to contact akaza I see that he want his wife back little do he know I know where she is so I talk to him privately and made a deal he give me there location

And he get his wife back if that don't work I will raise hell but luckily he agreed gave me a location to an underground facility I call senami to come over it time to tell him I didn't tell him for reason I'm planning on getting kisenami today and if I fail I don't know what I will do I might- NO

But I did something yesterday that I'm really happy I something that deal with kisenami I am very please that I did it like i was maybe smiling while doing it

I had finally k- seem I got to say this later me

"Shinobu you needa eat"tomioka said I just smile at him how considering from someone like him

"I'm not hungry"I replied "well I tried"he huffed he such a I don't care let down he suppose to beg me to eat boys right


I went downstairs "it actually is about kisenami..."I took a deep breath this is going to be nerve wrecking but he is his father "we found kisenami he in an underground thing is we knew where he was the whole time but not the location"

"why the hell am I just knowing about this im HIS father"he walks up to me grabbing my shirt shouting I just zone out I don't blame him I'll react the same and I can't push him off since his incredible strength

I see tomioka grab a senami wrist "listen to her instead of threatening"he says nonchalantly
(Yes ik senami stronger but shhhhhh let Gary have his fun time)
"Because I knew the way you will react you ass"I responded enough of that we going to raid the place now we have no time because they already did something we need a plan"

3rd pov
"Who will feed the child he hasn't ate in 3 days matter fact I'm going to feed him you is demons if you even sta....WHO IN THE HELL HAD CUT HIM" akaza yell angry cynithia not here she never came back yet and the wounds on kisenami is fresh

Akaza already knew who it was before cynithia left it was only Ane and cynithia but this was before the agreement with shinobu and she might won't be happy with this

(Ok I decided to stop being lazy and search up the characters name Ane is the spider sister btw:)

"Ane what sick and twisted mind way did you do this for Why?"she start giggling a little"cynithia told me to do it yesterday before she left I-I'm so sorry "she start twiddling her fingers  well that why cynithia girl didn't return

Muzan is walking around checking everywhere and keeping a close eye on everyone kokushibo is training all of a sudden

The alarms start going off  muzan being always alert he quickly reacted"everyone get in position now" muzan yell

He hear a loud yell and breaking coming from kokushibo area

"Kokushibo are you there?"muzan says "yes but some White haired freak is looking at me and he look like he out for blood""MOTHERFUCKER YOU MINES"muzan heard senami yells

"Call you later boss" kokushibo quickly clash hands with senami akaza left the place the thing is he didn't never wanted to be with them he didn't  even wanted to kill innocent humans now all the blood lays in his guilty hand
when they wasn't around shinobu manage to catch his intrest on something she know where his wife is located turn out muzan had her captured

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