cHapter 24

183 8 6

3rd pov
he lock eyes with her he was moving closer towards her face then- ding ding dingggggg the alarms sounds

Shinobu wake up from her sleep turn on and her underwear is wet soaked "no way I had a dream about having sex with him" she muttered going into the bathroom to shower

She take her clothes off and step foot into the shower washing her hair as she have memories of last night with a certain someone she couldn't help but keep that plastered smile on her face

Today an day off which means no work she get done showering and head her way to senami to pick up kisenami for the day

She go to the house and pick him up "we going to the park yayuhhh"kisenami screams shinobu smiles she then look at senami he look worried

"You know he being with me I'm No random you of all people should know how I'm coming behind kisenami" she says seriously but having a close eye smile

Senami gave. A reassuring look knowing she was right out of all people he protected the most with shinobu "I'll bring him back at 5:30 it 3:35 right now"

"His nightmares is getting worser im not saying you won't protect him you know"senami says looking

down at the ground walking back into his house 'I sit don't want to loose him I already lost kanae' he thought to himself as a tear trickle down his cheek

"Yea I know what you mean even if you don't want to be seen crying" shinobu says to herself as her and kisenami walk to the car

She was driving to the park she can tell
Kisenami is getting anxious why you may ask well who get kidnapped and torture and they was at the park

Shinobu put her hand on his head "I won't leave your side so where is that smile"she says

"I should fake my smile like you right aunt" kisenami says looking at her smiling "ara I don't fake my smile why will you say that" shinobu says thinking 'how can he tell '

"Because I never see you sad it take sadness to be happy you know so I thought you was pretending to

smile but you actually sad you want to experince happiness I really hated going through that pain I tried but things kept coming" he says as he lift up his shirt to look at his scar

"Well I don't take my smile what you want to see poor auntie sad how mean , and that scar is proof that you won the war never be ashamed of it you hear me"she says smiling

"No I guess I was wrong you never lie and I guess I'll love the scar but I don't like how I got it"he says sadly

It was quietness the park is finally in sight "ouu the park!!!"kisenami screams pointing he have a smile on his face like nothing ever happen

He is not faking it either he show emotion he know when to be sad unlike his auntie they get out the car and began to walk shinobu can tell kisenami

Is aware paranoid and on guard no child should have to be like this his emotion is so bipolar she thoughts she can see her 14 yr old self in him always on guard but she was worser

I'm going to have to break this she thinks "why are you looking at me like that"kisenami ask freak out because shinobu was staring at him the whole

"Oh nothing just thinking I'll beat you to the slide first"shinobu says "oh you so on"kisenami says and took off running ass shinobu behind him

Of course she let him win she could've easily beaten him "hmmmm you owe me ice cream"kisenami says and run off to play shinobu took a seat at the nearest bench and watch him awkwardly socialize with kids

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