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3rd pov

It been a week in the hospital Shinobu leaves in 2 more days her baby is in the nursery room kisenami is with Shinobu he haven't left her side yet

"I want to see my baby cousin aunt" kisenami pouted Shinobu smile "let wait till a nurse come in alright?inplus he just left like 3sec ago" She says "uncle tomioka can you please get a nurse" kisenami says

"And on top of that can you please get me some food" Kocho says "fine im not yall maid" giyu muttered "what was that giyu tomioka?" Shinobu says staring him down

"Nothing ms.tomioka" giyu tease as Shinobu had a slight blush on her cheeks 'only you can still have this effect on me even after being mines' she thought

Giyu left to go get her food he went down the elevator to the main floor he was sort of in a rush he got meeting over the phone at 2:15 and it 1:57

On his way down the hall he tap on a random nurse "can you take my nephew to my son " he says casually "of course" the nurse says as she walks off He rushes to the kitchen (let act like hospitals have kitchens to grab patient food it for the plot😭)

Shinobu pov

I heard the door open I expected it to be giyu but it a nurse "im hear to take a kid name  kisenami to your child in the nursery room" she says kisenami just jolted up and ran to her

"Yea that me" I can't help it but her voice seen oddly familiar and how she know kisenami name giyu might have told her I will have to get on to him about that

"I'm excuse me....instead can you and kisenami bring me my child im kind of attach to gisho" I says to her "of course" she says walking off with kisenami holding her hand

Moments later giyu came back with my food "why thank you sir" I tease he just had his regular look on his face "very welcome" he says back he walk too the door "I got a meeting over phone should take 10 min finish up your food" he says stepping out

It been 15 minutes already why giyu not done yet and where that nurse the door open and it was tomioka "sorry took 5 minutes extra " he says

" tomioka the nurse you sent here haven't comeback I say concernly  "now that you mention that I never gave the nurse your room number not even your name " he says back my heart sunken please don't tell me "she knew kisenami name though when she got here. You haven't told her his name " I says back

Tomioka shake his head worriedly no 'shit' I thought tomioka then leaves the room I quickly called senami

3rd pov 

My plan work being a nurse really worked yae thought as she watch kisenami cooed at the baby walking up behind him before he can turn around he blacked out

Yae then took the baby and kisenami maybe if I take these two giyu will accept me finally inplus this baby

is his flesh and blood I can be it new mother by skin to skin the thought of having the baby if giyu in my embrace feel delightful it like I birth this baby on my

own but the eyes is purple and I hate it I might gauge them out remind me of that bitch shinobu

But I heard this little guy that knocked out is giyu nephew so I'm a aunt and a mom now yayyyy yae thought happily as she exit out the hospital

She called a driver and got in the car heading to a hideout

Giyu pov

As I reach the nursery room no nurse or kisenami could've be found I look at all the babies but I couldn't find mines I couldn't find gisho 'oh no Shinobu going to go crazy our nephew is missing and our child' my blood begin to boiled

I walk out and went to the main office of the hospital "I DEMAND EVER SECURITY CAMERA TO BE REPLAYED NOW OR IM SHUTTING THIS WHOLE HOSPITAL DOWN" I yelled in anger

"Yes sir" the security room people say I gear computer clicking "here a woman,child and an infant going out tge hospital" a man say why does that nurse look

"Zoom in " I says he zoom in my eyes widen THAT BITCH it yae she going to pay why my kids i goes back to the room with Shinobu I see senami in the room angry

"Why it always my little boy huh FUCK" he screams "im sorry the nurse haven't brought him b-" "shut up for a second Shinobu this the second time you don't know the feeling of having your chins took from you" senami says frustrated

I can see Shinobu head go down "senami don't talk to her like that and I mean if she look at kisenami as if it was her own child don't ever fix your lips and say that again you hear" I says sternly glaring at him

"Inplus this is not a time to argue it was yae she took kisenami and .....gisho" I says dissapointly Shinobu eyes widen "My baby he just a week old how cruel he can reg sick out there why and kisenami he already have trauma from the last tone and it was in my care senami you right if always happen with me" Shinobu says with tears

If look can kill senami would've been deader then a mummy from 1000 years ago "no I'm not I'm sorry and just for gisho just coming into this surly he needa be the main focus kisenami body is developed

but my one week old nephew is not THIS BOILS MY BLOOD EVEN WORSE why is we just Standing here let do something fir his sakes" senami says angrily

"Now we on the same page" I says I hear Shinobu gets up " I'm coming too and before you two say anything fuck my rest our kids need our help right now but for now we have to sit and wait" Shinobu says

3rd pov

"Wait?!" Giyu and senami says together "if we move it can give harm to our children giyu check your phone knowing yae obession with you that going to be our first clue" Kocho says

Giyu open his phone 1+ new message giyu clicked on the message

Unknown number:

Hey it me I got our child and nephew at the house I doing skin to skin contact with gisho for he can get use to me his new mother and kisenami isn't acting to well a 3 days from now I'll give you a small track this number I will harm the kids  I love you

~love yae❤️

"THAT BITCH if she lay a single motherfucking hand on my child or kisenami If she lays a finger just know I will kill that bitch with my own hands " Shinobu says with anger

"Oh hell yea I'm with you I'll gut that whore out" senami says joining her the aura in that hospital room was dark "well good thing I put a tracker in gisho so I know where exactly she at but it best to wait these 3 days" giyu says coldly

Mission pt 2

Ok soooo we needed drama I added drama I need some of you guys to give me ideas
Honestly I'll like to thank wisteria_butterfly for this idea thank you very much I was actually intrigued to write this took some time but he ready for the next chapter thank god it summer so I can be more active till I get a job

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